Festival of Fools (age:15)

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(thanks @Alastor-Whore @FangedNinjaKid5 for suggesting this chapter!)

(villains POV)

Frollo was sitting in the classroom room in the castle reading his favorite book, the bible ofcourse. It was a rather warm Friday in January yet he had a cold expression on his face. Tomorrow was the day he dreaded most, January 6th, the Festival of Fools. He hated that day with a passion. Since he moved into the castle, he hadent had to worry about attending. But with (y/n) getting older, she was seaking for more freedome. Every year she would ask to leave the castle, but evey year he refused. He used school as an excuse, but with the festival on a Saturday, he had another trick up his sleeve.

He was tossed out of thought by a knock at the door. He shut the bible in his hands and stood. "Come in."

The door opened and Gothel entered. "Good morning my love." she greeted him as she crossed over.

"Good morning my angel." he murmured as they shared a quick kiss.

Gothel headed over to her desk, but stopped when she noticed the empty chalkboard. "I'm surprised you havent written on the chalkboard yet, your usually all prepared for when (y/n) walks in." she then gave him a questionable look "is this part of your plan for tomorrow?"

"I'm gonna give her an option. She can either have a free day today and do her studys tomorrow, or she can do her studys today and tomorrow she can do as she pleases. As long as it dosent involve that wretched festival."

"Come on Claude, you can't deny her freedom for the rest of her life. She needs to go out and explore, besides the festival isnt as bad as it was when you were incharge of old Paris."

"I'm not denying her freedome, I let her go on field trips, dont I? Besides that festival is full of drunk idiots who would take adventage of her. And dont say liquor isent involved, ive seen plenty of times where you all come home late in the evening, drunk to your heart's conent." Frollo scolded.

Gothel sighed "Whatever you say, just know she's gonna keep begging you till you let her go."

"I know, but in time she will learn."

Gothel mumbled to herself."I doubt that if she hasent learn in the past, she won't ever learn."

(Your POV)

You were skipping down the class room, heart beating with excitement and anxiety. Tomorrow was the Festival of Fools and you were finnely gonna have a chance to attend. Normally the festival always happens on a school day, but this year was different. This year the festival landed on a saturday which ment you finnly had a chance of going, that is if your uncle would let you. He was always a stubborn man, trying to protect you from all things impure. But since when did a festival hurt anyone?

When you got to the classroom you knocked on the door. "Come in" said a voice on the other side. You enter with a wide smile on your face.

"Good morning Uncle Claude, Aunt Gothel." you said, skipping your way over to your desk.

"Good morning (y/n). We've got something we'd like to discuss this morning." Gothel said.

You blinked for a moment. "Actully I was wanting to ask you both something. I was hoping this year, with the festival being on saturday, I might be able to go?"

Frollo crossed his arms "absolutely not."

"Please, everyone in the castle gets to go. Why can't I?"

"They are all adults, you, my angel, are nothing but a inisont little child. Besides that festival is full of drunken-"

"Drunken idiots, thieves, people who want to make a mockery of themselves, I know, I know. But I'll be 18 in less than three years. And ive seen more rambunctious behaviro hear, I think i'm old and resposible enough to attend a festival." you crossed your amrs trying to think of another convincing argument "Pennys gonna be there, you could meet her!"

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now