Easter (age:7)

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(Hay everyone, this chapter has brief mentions of religious themes because of the holiday. I'm also not the religious, but my family still celebrate easter cause it's in our religion. We just skip church. If you do celebrate easter, we'll happy Easter. And if you don't, the happy regular old Sunday.)

"Alright , just one more photo." Cruella said, trying to get you to smile for the Camera. She was take some photos of you in your room.

"But I want candy." You complain. Currently you were in a cute pink dress with white tights and black flats that she had made for you.

"Just hold still." A click came from the Camera "there, now you can go downstairs."


"Breakfast first, you know this." Cruella called.

You didn't care, you raced down the staircase and tried to get to the living room. Instead you were stopped by edger.

"Where are you going?" He asked, stepping in your way.

"My Easter basket." You say trying to get by but he didn't let you.

"Did you have breakfast?"

You shake your head no.

"Not until after you eat. Now go into the dinning room and eat." He turned you around and gave you a gentle push. You humphed as you walked away in defeat.

You made your way to the dining room where it was hustling and bustling with activity. There were still plenty of villains still at the table, while others were walking back and forth between the kitchen making sure everything was ready for Easter dinner. This morning was hard boiled eggs, which your Uncle Gaston loved. You walked up to your seat between you Aunt Gothel and Uncle Claude.

"Good morning y/n." Frollo greeted her.

"Morning!" You say before picking up your fork and digging in. 

"You're forgetting something." He interrupted before she even placed the fork in her mouth.

You drop your fork onto your plate and do the sign of the cross, praying to the lord like your Uncle taught you. When you were done you dough right back into your meal, eating it was quickly as you could.

"Slow down, your basket is not going anywhere." Gothel said.

"I want the gifts, and candy." You say with your mouth full. Once you were finished you began to push your chair back to rush off but Frollo stopped you.

"Hold it."

"What now?" You complain looking up at him.

"We still have your bible lesson."

You slouch in your chair and cross your arms. Evey Easter was the same, get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and then bible lessons. Each year was the same, starting on Passover and going to Easter, you had a lesson every day explaining what the lord's son Jesus did. You didn't really care as it was pretty boring. You uncle just read from the Bible and quizzed you every so often to make sure you were paying attention . When he finally closed the Bible, everyone was gone.

"Now can I go see my basket?" You ask, getting up.

"Now you can go see your basket." He said, also standing from his seat.

You smile and immediately rush off to the living room. Most whern inside, others were busy preparing or out in the yard. In the center you could see a basket full of goodies. You rush inside and begin dumping the items onto the floor. Inside was a giant chocolate bunny, a box of peeps, a new book you've been wanting, a coloring book, a box of colored pencils, play doh, slime, and a new stuffed bunny to add to your overpopulated stuffed animal collection.

"Are you happy with what you got?" Grimhilda asked.

"Ya" you stand and pick up your basket "now can I go hunt for the eggs?"

"Sure. They're in the backyard. There's 11 of them hidden around your tree house." Gaston said.

"Just don't get your dress dirty." Cruella reminded.

"I won't." You say before rushing outside.

Once out, You run straight for the treehouse. You spot several and grab each one. On the base of the tree you spotted two. On the swing that stuck out to the side, one rested swinging agents the wind. There was even one on the first rung of the ladder. Not seeing anymore you climbed up into the treehouse itself. Inside were five eggs, one in the corner and one resting on the window. Going back onto the porch there was one on the slide that led down.

Not sure where the last one is, you slide down the giant slide and land on your black flats. You take one last lap around the outside of the tree house but you still couldn't find it. You were about to give up the earth when something caught your eye. There was something shiny nestled between the slide and ground. You bend down and see it was not a normal plastic egg, but one covered in glitter. It was the golden egg, and was twice the size of the regular ones.

You smile and you place it into your basket. You wonder how much Peter Cottontail had brought you this year. Now that you had them all you headed back inside to the living room. Inside where your Aunts Cruella, Tremain, Gothel, and cousins Anastasia, Drizella, were all sitting.

"Oh thank goodness you didn't ruin the dress." Cruella said with a sigh of relief.

You ignore  her and sit on the carpet and begin to open your eggs.

"Did he bring you anything good?" Drizella asked.

You open each egg at a time. There were little Kit Kats, musketeers, m&ms, jellybeans, milky ways, and twix. In the golden egg however, you were given three gold doubloons, one more the last year.

"See I was a good little girl. He gave me one more coin than last year!" You show all three in the palm of your hand. "Now can I have the candy?"

"One piece, that's it." Gothel said.

"Can it be two?" You counter the offer.

"One piece, you can have more later."

You frown but agree, taking a Milky Way and eating it.

"Hay y/n, think you can spare some?" Anastasia asked, reaching for her basket.

"Mine!" You shout clutching the basket.

Anastasia flopped back onto the couch. "It's not far, why does she get to enjoy this Holiday and we don't."

"Yah, Why don't we get to do this mother?!" Drizella complained.

"Because you girls are much older than her." Trimain stated.

"But it's not fair!" Both sisters complained in unison.

"Enough, both of you. You can either act your age or head to your rooms." Both girls humphed and slammed back into the couch. You on the other hand smiled in triumph as you got your way yet again. Question was, could you make this candy last until Halloween?

Authors note: 4/8/23
Wow April already. I can't wait to have my ham and mashed potato's tomorrow. I do hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I debated a lot about doing it since not everyone celebrates it. But I figured it would happen in the villains house hold, espeshaly since mr religious is one of the main guardians. Let us be glad I didn't give you a paragraph on Jesus rising from the dead, cause frankly I didn't feel like writhing more then was needed. After all were really only interested in the small candy inside of the plastic eggs Lolz. But seriously, either is a time to be at home and with family, and supporting our lord and savior for giving his life for us.  Weather you go and celebrate religiously or you wake up to a goodie basket on easter morning (god I miss being a kid) I wish you all a very happy easter.

As always I thank you for reading and your support. All comments and suggestions are appreciated. Goober out!

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now