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IT'S A DANGEROUS WORLD OUT THERE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Nearly four weeks after Regulus's death, Tom visited a heavily pregnant Seraphina again. He purposely avoided going anywhere near her room during her mourning period after being pushed way out of his comfort zone when he first broke the news.

Instead of the emotional, grieving wreck he'd last encountered, he found her seated on the bed with a white fabric thrown over her lap, holding a needle between her fingers, eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration as she tried to embroider the silver thread into the soft fabric.

"How did he die?" Seraphina asked, not lifting her gaze from the blanket. The question shocked him a bit; over a year in her company and Tom still hadn't quite gotten used to how she addressed him like everyone else. No one else would ever dare to show this sort of disrespect.

"Good morning, Seraphina," Tom commented drily.

"Good morning," Seraphina rolled her eyes. "How did Reggie die?"

"The aurors got to him," Tom shrugged in disinterest. Truthfully, he had not cared much about the young man's death. Had it not been for Sera's obvious connection to the boy, he probably wouldn't have thought twice about it. "At least that's what I heard."

"He was eighteen years old," Seraphina said, finally abandoning her work to look at him with a pained glint in her blue eyes. "What reason could the aurors have for hunting him down?"

"Aurors are known to kill first and ask questions later," Tom said, not caring enough about the boy to ponder it any longer. Had it been somebody in his inner circle, he might have had the matter investigated further. But for a young wizard who'd only ever let Tom borrow his house-elf, he wasn't willing to waste resources.

Seraphina didn't appear pleased by his answer. Judging by the way she went back to focusing on her embroidery, Sera probably wished for him to leave. Since he had no reason to be there, Tom couldn't quite understand why he didn't just go since the entire situation felt weird to him.

"It's a dangerous world out there," he continued. "Why do you think I've kept you here for so long? It's not for the amusement it brings me. It's for your protection."

"I can't be locked inside this room for the remainder of my life simply because the world outside is dangerous," Seraphina pointed out. "That's not even a life."

"Not forever — only until you have given birth," Tom assured her. This pregnancy truly put a hitch in his plan to use Sera's magic for his cause. It would be foolish of him to keep an asset like the last descendant of the dragonlord locked up. "But as was proven when we discovered your pregnancy, you can't use your magic to protect yourself — or your baby — right now."

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