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YOU'RE GOING TO BE AN UNCLE — SURPRISE?✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Birds chirped outside the window and the bright mid-June sun lit up the otherwise dark room. During her Hogwarts years, spring had been such a lovely season when one could see the leaves return to the trees, transforming nature from something grey and dull, to a green and living scenery. From the confinement of her room inside the Malfoy Manor, all Seraphina had been able to see grow was the hedges surrounding the manor during the times she'd been allowed outside for some fresh air.

Over two months had passed since Seraphina discovered the news of her pregnancy. Nearing the end of her first trimester, Seraphina could now see the bump forming on her stomach as her baby grew. Though it was still not visible enough so that she couldn't hide it when wearing robes. She suspected that to be one of the reasons Tom still allowed her to leave her room regularly, even though it always was in the company of himself, Lyra or Narcissa.

During that time, Seraphina had grown to enjoy their company more and more. Unlike the perfect lady one would expect from a daughter of the Malfoy family, Lyra was cynical and blunt to a fault. She was also borderline aggressive with tendencies to punch Sera's arm from time to time – seemingly forgetting or not caring that it was a pregnant woman she was abusing.

Narcissa was the complete opposite. Whereas Lyra kept Seraphina entertained with insults about her peers, brother and anyone else that had the misfortune of landing on her bad side, Narcsissa was prim and proper just like Sera remembered her from school. Her haughtiness could be a bit much to handle at times, forcing Sera to bite her tongue to not insult the older woman, but Seraphina's initial concern that Narcissa would treat her with the same hostility and hatred Bellatrix showed was quickly proven wrong.

It was clear to Seraphina that Narcissa also longed for a child. She constantly made sure Sera ate enough, got enough sleep and felt comfortable which made Seraphina certain Narcissa was far more prepared for motherhood than herself. Together Lyra and Narcissa created a nice balance between treating Seraphina normally and reminding the red haired girl that she needed to take care of herself now that she was caring for another life too.

Throughout April and May, Seraphina experienced the side-effects of pregnancy. That slight nausea she'd experienced the days before leaving home was nothing compared to the morning sickness she'd suffered through since. According to Narcissa, who other than the midwife that sometimes visited, was Seraphina's main source of information about pregnancies, every woman had a different experience with the symptoms. Joining her nausea in making Seraphina's isolated life a living hell, she experienced infrequent cramps in her lower abdomen and back-pain.

Despite not having her normal energy to actually do things, Seraphina had far too much energy to be locked up. She felt like a trapped animal; like a dragon in a cage who longed to fly again. With the exception of her daily walks — that she feared would become more rare as time passed — Seraphina rarely left her stupid room.

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