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WAKE ME UP WHEN THIS IS OVER✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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History of Magic was by common consent the most boring subject taught at Hogwarts. Their ghost teacher, Professor Binns, had a wheezy droning voice that almost guaranteed to cause severe drowsiness within ten minutes, five if it was warm. He could talk for hours without even noticing that half his students were asleep and the other half was staring out the window.

Seraphina was one of the few students that actually did well in the subject and always received top marks. However, that was a because of her reading books on her own rather than taking notes during classes.

There was only two students that could manage that; Lily Evans and Remus Lupin, who at least used to take notes for half of the lesson before they too lost their concentration.

Seraphina was drawing instead of taking notes and it wasn't even good drawings. It was mostly disfigured owls and whatever other animal she would come up with. Many things could be said about Seraphina Weasley, but she could not draw.

"Are you taking notes?" Marlene whispered from beside her, "I thought we agreed too be in-effective together."

"I wrote down 'The Goblin Rebellion of 1612' and then he lost me," Sera whispered back, "At the moment I'm barely staying awake."

"Good," Marlene said, laying both arms on the table and placing her head on them like a pillow, "Wake me up when this is over."

"How are you two planning on passing this class?" Lily whispered, looking up from her notes for a few seconds.


"Copy of you."

Lily narrowed her eyes at her two friends before returning to her scribbling. Meanwhile Seraphina was finding it harder and harder to stay awake. She never really got a good night of sleep and it made her extra drowsy.

Unfortunately, the benches in the classroom wasn't as soft as a pillow so when she eventually lost her fight to stay awake she banged her head against the table, successfully waking her up.

Sera rubbed her head as Professor Binns turned to address the class, "Now, the upcoming weeks we will be working on our essays about the Goblin Rebellion of 1612."

The class groaned in response but the ghost did not seem to notice, "You will be working in pairs that I have already decided. Let's see—"

Seraphina droned out Binns' voice as he informed them of their groups until she heard her own name, "Weasley and Black."

Seraphina let out a small groan, having hoped that she'd be able to work with Remus or Lily seeing as those two actually worked. Despite her lack of concentration in the classroom she actually did very well in school.

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