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PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS MADNESS✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"Being early is boring," Sirius complained, leaning back in his seat. His feet were propped up on the table in front of him and his chair was balancing on the two back legs. His head was thrown back as he stared up at the stone ceiling.

"Don't sit like that. You will break your neck," James scolded him, much like he had every single day for the past six years. Much like every other time, Sirius ignored how his friend was playing mother hen.

"I could have gotten at least twenty minutes more sleep instead of just sitting here waiting for Slughorn to arrive and bore us to death," Sirius whined. He looked up, grey eyes narrowed against Remus – the one who had forced him out of his comfortable warm bed in the first place by throwing a glass of water in his face. "I will never forgive you for this, Moony."

"I don't know how I will survive," Remus told him sarcastically, not even bothering to look up from his book.

"It's important to wake up at least an hour before class starts," Lily told him, seated on the row in front of them alongside Alice who also took Potions. "Otherwise you can't concentrate properly."

"Lily – Lily-kins – dear Miss Evans," Sirius looked over at the red haired girl, "I know you are new and therefore I will excuse your ignorance: Nothing is more important than a good night of beauty sleep."

Lily rolled her eyes, then a wide smile appeared on her face, "Good morning, Professor Slughorn," she greeted their professor.

"Good morning, Miss Evans, Miss Fortescue, boys," Slughorn greeted them as he walked over to his desk at the front of the class. "I hope you are all excited for today's class. I have a little surprise for all of you."

"Unless it's cancelled exams I don't care," Sirius scoffed, leaning back again. He was about to close his eyes when a familiar voice rang through the room. Suddenly he was wide awake and straightened up in his chair so quickly that he nearly fell backwards, which earned him a scolding glare from James.

"Professor Slughorn, please save me from this madness," Seraphina pleaded, walking into the Potions classroom. Close behind her came Pucey and Avery – who alongside Snape and Seraphina were the only Slytherins taking Potion in their year.

Slughorn chuckled, noticing the Weasley girl's exasperated expression, "What is it now, Miss Weasley?"

"They won't stop talking and Professor McGonagall told me I am not allowed to use the Tongue-Tying Curse," Seraphina whined, throwing a glare over at the two Slytherin boys who didn't let it bother him. Sirius couldn't help but frown at the sight – it was his and James's job to annoy her. Not anyone else's.

"We are having a serious discussion here, Your Highness," Avery told her in a mocking tone. Then he turned to Professor Slughorn, "Professor, you are one of the brightest wizards of this age" – James and Sirius both rolled their eyes at his clear attempt to suck up – "maybe you can help us solve this. What happens if two wizards-"

"Or witches," Seraphina cut in.

"-drank Felix Felicis before duelling?"

"I argue that it would simply be like any other duel but arguably more spectacular," Timothy Pucey said, sitting down on an empty chair. "They would both be lucky so in the end, skill would be the decisive factor."

"Your argument assumes that they consumed the same amount of the potion," Avery shook his head and by now the three Slytherins had gained the attention of all occupants of the room. "If one of them drank more Liquid Luck, that duelist would have an advantage and therefore win."

"It's supposed to be used sparingly," Seraphina deadpanned. "If it's taken with excess the drinker will become giddy, over-confident and reckless. None of which are especially good qualities in a duelist. There is even a chance that two duelists under the influence of Liquid Luck would abstain from duelling at all."

"That is a very interesting conversation," Slughorn looked at his three students with pride. "And you all make splendid points."

"But who is right?" Seraphina asked him. "It's me, isn't it?"

"I will reward Slytherin with five points for your reasoning which sometimes is more important than the conclusions," Slughorn told them. The disappointment on Seraphina's – and the two's – faces was clear. "Oh, look at the time. It's time for us to begin."

Sirius continued to watch Sera as she sat down in between Avery and Pucey. The three Slytherins continued to whisper amongst each other while everyone got to their seats. "Today – since there has been quite a bit of talking and very little working lately – I have decided to assign all of you new seat partners."

The entire class groaned. If there was one thing everyone hated it was when the teachers got the idea to assign seatings. After six years at Hogwarts it was pretty much already decided where everyone would sit. Both next to whom they would sit and where in the classroom.

"I've also noticed that all of you seem obstructed by your houses," Slughorn continued. "Therefore, I think it's time for a bit of inter-house bonding."

Pucey raised his hand, "Professor, I am not complaining or anything, but isn't it a bit late for that? Forcing us to socialise with other houses is something you should try with the First Years instead."

"Nonsense, it's never too late to make new friends," Slughorn said dismissively. "Now let's see. Mr. Avery, you will be sitting next to Miss. Fortescue."

Alice's eyes widened considerably at the thought of being seated next to one of the wannabe Death Eaters. Lily sent her friend a comforting look. Meanwhile, on the other side of the classroom, Seraphina was threatening Avery to play nice or else...

"Mr. Black and Miss. Weasley," Slughorn continued, a secretive smirk on his face when he looked between the two students.

Sirius couldn't help the smile coming onto his face as he gathered he picked up his bag and walked over to sit next to Seraphina. She offered him a polite smile as she sat leaned back in her chair. It was pathetic how his stomach fluttered at the mere sight of her looking at him.

"I think the real question we should be asking ourselves is what would happen if two duelists drank too much Felix Felicis," Avery said, turning around in his chair from the bench in front of theirs where he sat next to Alice. "They would both be reckless and over-confident, so who would win?"

"I don't know who'd win, but I have a feeling everyone around them would lose," Seraphina snorted. Sirius couldn't help but notice how natural she acted around Avery and Pucey – and how differently they acted in her presence.

Slughorn gave them their instructions, "Today we will be brewing Veritaserum!" he announced. "Does anyone know what that is?"

Lily's hand shot up in the air, "It's a very powerful truth serum, sir."

"Very good, Miss. Evans, five points to Gryffindor," Slughorn praised her. "It is a truth serum indeed. Three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets and therefore the use of this potion is controlled by very strict Ministry guidelines. It's colourless, odourless and takes some skill to brew properly."

After fetching the ingredients, Seraphina and Sirius prepared to brew the potion. "How about you take charge and I just follow your every order?" Sirius suggested.

Seraphina gasped mockingly, "You know how to take an order?"

"From you? I would jump off a cliff if you told me to," Sirius winked.

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