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MY LOYALTY RESIDES WITH ME✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Seraphina and Snape did not exchange a single word as they walked through the castle and down the stairs to the dungeons. She had absolutely nothing to say to him and it wasn't like he was overly eager to speak with her.

When they reached the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room, Seraphina muttered the password and stepped in before Snape. What she wasn't prepared for was being cornered the second she entered.

Mulciber and Rosier were the ones doing the actual cornering while Avery stood a bit behind, looking bored, or at least like he didn't want to have a part in what they were doing. Sera couldn't help but miss how Regulus was seated close by, engrossed by his book.

For a moment she was reminded of how Remus had acted only minutes ago when Sirius and James had attacked Snape. Sera knew Regulus didn't always approve of what his so-called 'friends' did, much like Remus didn't approve of his friends bullying people. But neither were brave enough to stand up to them.

"Can I help you with something?" Seraphina asked, cocking an eyebrow in question.

"No, I think you have done enough helping for one day," Rosier sneered down at her. "How can you be the Captain of the Slytherin-"

"Well, you see, I am a Slytherin and I'm clearly a good Quidditch player, so Slughorn made me Captain," Seraphina deadpanned with a sarcastic smile. "Does that make it clear to you?"

"You are friends with those blood-traitorous Gryffindors," Mulciber mimicked Rosier's threatening stance. "How do we know you won't go easy on them or let them win-"

"Mulciber, sweetie," Seraphina said in the most patronising tone she could produce, "have you forgotten how we won the House Cup a few weeks ago? You can accuse me of a lot of things, but never that I allow my friends to win at Quidditch. And who I am friends with is none of your business. If I chose to befriend the giant squid it would be none of your business."

Seraphina tried to push through them but Rosier and Mulciber grabbed her arms, forcing her into the wall. "This is not necessary-"

"Shut up, Avery," Rosier snapped at his friend. "Weasley here needs to learn how to respect her superiors. And where her loyalty should reside."

The scene was becoming more and more familiar and Seraphina could feel her anger and magic bubbling dangerously close to the surface. But there was too many people in the Common Room for her to release it. Last time she had wiped away their memories after knocking them unconscious, but couldn't erase the memory of every Slytherin in close proximity.

"My loyalty resides with me," Seraphina snapped. "I do not need a leader or someone else to tell me what to do. Which is why I went against my friends today to save your friend," she sent a glare over to Snape, who like the coward he was just stood on the sidelines and watched his friends do the actual work. "So frankly, I don't understand what you are angry about this time."

Taking advantage of their momentary silence, Seraphina pushed past them. But instead of taking the stairs to her dormitory, she stormed out of the Common Room and once she was out of sight she ran through the corridors until she reached the Astronomy Tower. It was the one place she knew would be empty now because it was in the middle of the day, which meant no classes.

She couldn't risk climbing out on the roof because the sun was still up which meant that other students, or even worse a teacher, saw her. Therefore she found a place in a corner behind some telescopes where no one could see her, and sunk down to the floor.

Seraphina didn't know if it was the sleep deprivation, all the worry she felt about the OWLs, her anger or the fact that she felt like no matter what she did everyone thought she made the wrong choice, but she broke down.

Silent tears ran down her cheeks at first. A choked sob escaped her and Seraphina pulled up her knees to her chest and allowed them to muffle her cries. It was all just too much. It didn't seem like she could do anything right.

When she had been sorted into Slytherin her dad and family had been disappointed in her. Being a Slytherin amongst her family and friends was the equivalent of being a monster. And the people in her House, they hated her for not being like them.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt like she truly belonged somewhere. Or if ever truly had. In her own family she was the black sheep, the serpent amongst lions. In her House she was a blood-traitor. With the girls she would never be a part of the group the same way the others were; shown only just today when Marlene, Dorcas and Alice all ran after to comfort Lily in the Gryffindor Tower, a place she wasn't welcomed.

And with the boys, it was clear as day that she wasn't one of them. Not that she had ever expected to be. To James she was a little sister and the same with Remus, to Peter she was a friend and to Sirius - well, she did not quite know how to describe her and Sirius' bond. But one thing was clear, she'd never be a Marauder.

After sitting up there until the sun disappeared and the grand bell chimed, telling her it was past twelve. Wiping her eyes from tears, Sera tried to compose herself before making her way back. All she hoped was that the Common Room would be empty when she arrived.

But her luck ran out long before she even got to the Common Room; as she descended the spiral staircase to the Astronomy Tower footsteps approached. She was just about to run back up to hide, not wanting to risk running into Filch, when a familiar voice called out.


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