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COULD YOU NOT BREAK MY ARM?✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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Ever since her First Year Seraphina had felt like an outcast amongst the Slytherin girls in her year. During the first weeks she had been polite and friendly, hoping that they would warm up to her.

They didn't.

Some of the guys in her year were aspiring Death Eaters, but somehow they were nicer than the four girls she shared a dormitory with. Amara Carrow, Belinda Lee, Zinnia Hanida and Briar Bulstrode had never even bothered pretending that they liked her.

At first it had made her sad. She was an eleven year old, far away from home, and the people she was supposed to befriend would send her dirty looks, stop talking whenever she entered a room and whisper insults when they thought she didn't listen.

But after a while she realised that they weren't worth her sadness. That was why she distanced herself from them and made friends with the Gryffindors. Sometimes she wondered what would have happened if she hadn't been the black sheep amongst the Slytherin girls her year. Would her friends in Gryffindor have accepted her even though she had friends in her own house?

However, it did not matter that Sera hadn't exactly clicked with the girls in her dorm, she still had to sleep in the same dormitory as them which meant that there was no escape. It also meant that she couldn't get a night of proper sleep, since she was too afraid that they would do something.

During her first year at Hogwarts they had attempted to cut her hair in her sleep. Unfortunately for them, Sera was a very light sleeper and had woken up before they succeeded in cutting off her hair. Unfortunately for her, her reflexes hadn't taken into account how sharp scissors are when you grab them, which had resulted in a very thin scar on her hand.

Seraphina chose to not tell anyone about it since she only believed it would make things worse for her. She'd be stuck with those girls for seven years no matter what happened, it wasn't like she could change house or year. So it was better to just suck it up and not make them hate her more.

Luckily, the incident, had left the other four girls more cautious around Sera and they hadn't dared to pull a prank on her since. Especially not when they knew that she could get the Marauders to give them hell.

They had not tried something for a very long time, but Sera was still a very light sleeper and not the best person to wake up unexpectedly. So when she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder, she woke up immediately and grabbed the person's wrist tightly, twisting it slightly.

"Ow, ow, ow, it's me, Seraphina."

"Reggie?" Sera whispered in disbelief, eyes widening as she saw him standing there, in his pyjamas, hair falling over his forehead and grey eyes squinting in pain.

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