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IT'S ABOUT BLOODY TIME✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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The first day of classes went by in the way everyone expected: all the professors droned on about the N.E.W.T:s, also known as the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, that they were set to write at the end of their final year. Like everyone wasn't already concerned about the tests that essentially would decide what career paths they could pursue in the future, the teachers made sure all the Seventh Year students knew just how much they needed to study to stand a chance.

Between classes, the Seventh Years could be seen chatting amongst themselves. A Ravenclaw girl was even sent to the Hospital Wing after fainting upon hearing what Professor McGonagall expected of her N.E.W.T students. Mixed with the talk of the upcoming exams, students also were revelling in the latest gossip that Lily Evans and James Potter now officially dated.

After considering it all summer long, James eventually decided to try a relationship with Lily. Having been in love with the girl since First Year – or at the very least some sort of long-going infatuation – it didn't surprise anyone that James eventually came to the conclusion that he wanted to be with Lily. The two months spent thinking about it gave him some clarity; James promised his friends – and more importantly himself – that he wouldn't try to change himself in order to get Lily to love him.

Unlike the countless of other times James had asked Lily out, he this time tried to keep it low-key. The only problem being that it only took one student spotting them together in any way for the castle to figure out that the Head Boy and Head Girl – after six years of grand proposals followed by harsh rejections - were a couple.

With everyone so focused on James and Lily, even when the two sat on opposite sides of the classroom with their respective friend groups, Sirius managed to sent her a few discreet winks and when he felt bold, he brushed past her on their way into the Charms classroom and used their close proximity to playfully pinch her side.

'Discreet' was never a word used to describe Sirius Black. But to be fair, Sirius always had a flirty attitude towards Sera. Him winking across classrooms, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they walked between classes and any suggestive remarks had been a part of their interactions since Third Year. Therefore, Seraphina hoped no one would have any reason to suspect that their relationship had changed until after the first Quidditch game.

A few people they couldn't hide it from, however, were their friends. Not only did Sera hate lying to them but she knew they'd figure it out eventually and everything would become so much more of a big deal. One was already growing suspicious and that was Remus who glanced suspiciously between the two during Professor Flitwick's entire speech about what they would learn that year.

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