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SURE, YOU WHINY TOSSER✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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The rest of February flew by quickly and Seraphina was certain it was because the universe was against all the Fifth Years and wanted them to have as much panic as possible over their OWLs.

But the third week of February at least brought something interesting to their lives: Quidditch. It was time for their game against Ravenclaw. However, this year Ravenclaw was the only House that didn't pose a threat in the Inter-House Quidditch Cup. They were almost playing with an entirely new team since their Seeker, Beaters, one of their Chasers and Keeper all had graduated last year.

While Slytherin had won their first game against Gryffindor - something Sirius and James still hadn't gotten over - Hufflepuff won their first game against Ravenclaw, so Sera was confident they would win against them too. But she didn't want to count her chickens before they were hatched.

The entire Slytherin team sat together in the Great Hall that morning, eating breakfast. Mostly to show that they were united but also because Sera wanted to make sure none of her players slept over.

"I can't remember the last time I was this well-rested," Avery said, stuffing his mouth with a chicken sandwich.

"I'll take that as a thank you," Sera smirked, "Despite you calling me, a what was it? Mothering bitch? Just because I forced you to go to sleep at ten o'clock."

"Wasn't it smothering bitch?" Regulus wondered, smirking into his goblet.

"I don't remember. I was tired," Avery whined childishly, "Do you forgive me, Princess?"

"Sure, you whiny tosser," Sera gave him a sarcastic smile, "And remember what I said the last time you called me Princess?"

"That you would beat me with my bat," Avery muttered, giving her his best puppy eyes. It sometimes hurt to say, but out of all the assholes in her House, Avery was the one she liked the most. She didn't like him, but he was the least worse. "Sorry — Your Royal Highness."

Unimpressed, but slightly amused, Seraphina picked up a piece of bacon from her plate and threw it across the table, hitting Avery in the forehead since he didn't do anything to avoid it.

"Let's hope your reflexes are better during the game," Sera snorted, her eyes scanning the table to make sure that all of her players were eating.

"Maybe I just wanted the last piece of bacon," Avery smirked, popping it into his mouth. "You know, I need my strength if I'm going to knock all the Ravenclaws off their brooms."

"Fair point," Sera said, "As long as we are clear that you need to hit them with the Bludger, not your bat."

. • ⚯͛ • .

It turned out that Sera didn't have to worry much about the game. It only lasted for half an hour before Regulus caught the Snitch, when they were already up with seventy points. While the Ravenclaw team had some potential, they lacked the experience their team had.

After changing out of her green Quidditch robes Sera exited the Changing rooms to make her way up to the castle. However, she didn't get far before she was tackled into hug from the side, causing her to drop her broom.

"You were brilliant out there!" Marlene squealed into her ear, causing Sera to laugh at her friend's enthusiasm.

"The way you tricked Michael Langdon to fly into one of the stands when he tried to ram into your from the side was bloody amazing!" Dorcas added, also pulling her into a quick hug, "I hope the arrogant toerag broke something important."

"Dorcas, you can't say that," Alice, being the pure-hearted angel she was, scolded before giving Sera a bright smile and a warm hug, "But they are right. You were fantastic out there Sera."

"Thank you, Alice," Sera smiled at her friend, "I told you that you didn't have to worry about me dying during the games."

"Can you blame us for worrying?" Lily asked her after she replaced Alice, "I honestly thought you would fall and break your neck when that Bludger almost hit you."

"It was nothing," Sera said dismissively, only to almost fall over again when a new body rammed into her with full force from the side.

"I absolutely hate that you won, because it puts you in the lead and pretty much secures your spot in the finals - but you still played well," James rambled.

"Thank you, I think," Sera rolled her eyes at him while looking around, "Where is your even worse half and Peter?"

"Right behind you," James told her before his attention turned to Lily who scowled at him. "Sooo, Lilypad-"

"No, Potter," Lily shot him down quickly while Sera turned around to see two of the Marauders walk towards her. She wasn't surprised by Remus' absence since the full moon was nearing and he needed his rest.

"Lay it on me," Sera told Sirius, knowing that he was going to give her a snide comment about being a Slytherin, and how they wouldn't have won if they didn't cheat. "How did we cheat this time? Was I wrong to not allow Langdon to shove me off my broom?"

"Please, the Ravenclaw team has been a disaster this year," Sirius scoffed. "It would have been embarrassing if you lost. Even though your team is a close second."

"If we are so bad, how come we absolutely destroyed you during our game last term?" Sera cocked an eyebrow. "Because if we are disasters, your team is an absolute tragedy."


Sera, and the Gryffindors, looked in the direction of the sound to find Avery and Regulus walk towards them, brooms in hand. All the lions visibly stiffened at the sight of her teammates so she knew she had to act quickly if she didn't want a full fight.

"I should probably go now. Thank you all for watching," Sera smiled at all the Gryffindors, picking up her broom.

"You are going with them?" Sirius scowled, glaring in his little brother's direction.

"Eh, yes? We just won our second game this year and pretty much secured our place in the finals," Sera deadpanned. "It's cause for celebration."

"And you'd rather celebrate with them than us?" James pouted.

"James, they are my teammates and housemates," Sera said, growing a little irritated, but she tried not to show it. "See you all tomorrow."

With that she picked up her broom and jogged over to where Regulus and Avery waited for her, "Now let's celebrate how I didn't manage to break any rule this time," Avery cheered. "Are you proud of me?"

"Very," Sera stated dryly. "This might have been the first and last game this season when you didn't give the other team a free shot."

Avery brushed some imaginary dirt of his shoulder, "I took pity on them. It would just be cruel to crush their spirit when they had already lost."

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