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Dumbledore pushed himself up to his feet and walked over to where Fawkes was seated. "I assume I do not need to further explain who Merlin was."

"The most famous wizard of all time?" Seraphina said, trying to process everything. "I have heard of him," she added sarcastically.

"Merlin, as you know," Dumbledore said, ignoring her snark, "attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin around a millennia ago. He was an extraordinary wizard that later on in life became a member of King Arthur's court. First as his manservant and later on as his greatest advisor. Merlin protected and guided Arthur in order for the King to fulfil his destiny. Meanwhile, Merlin himself was destined to become the most powerful sorcerer to ever live."

"I know all of this," Seraphina told Dumbledore, feeling like he was avoiding the real topic by giving her a repetition of Professor Binns history lessons. "He was especially skilled in Charms, earning him the nickname Prince of Enchanters."

"One might argue that Professor Flitwick is especially skilled in Charms. Merlin's abilities went far beyond that of normal sorcerers," Dumbledore claimed. "And Merlin was indeed special. As you may know, he was the last Dragonlord – a hereditary ability passed down through blood. A power that made it possible for him to speak with and control dragons."

"The Dragonlords are extinct," Seraphina pointed out, "there hasn't been one in years."

"As you might know, Merlin's greatest enemy was King Arthur's half-sister, Morgana le Fay," Dumbledore continued his story. "A Dark witch and skillful practitioner of Dark Arts. What I don't believe you know is that King Arthur had another half-sister."

At those words, Seraphina straightened up in her seat. Finally, they were getting to something she didn't know already. "I've never heard of another sister."

"Adalinda Pendragon," Dumbledore explained. "Her existence was removed from the history books after her death at the hands of her half-sister, Morgana. But not before giving birth to a son; a son she had with none other than Merlin himself. Knowing the danger his child was in for as long as Morgana lived, Merlin kept him hidden. And hidden Merlin's bloodline has remained since then."

"Why?" Seraphina asked. "Morgana died eventually."

"Morgana died and was replaced by a new Dark witch or wizard eager to either take advantage of the abilities of a Dragonlord or kill them to get rid of the threat," Dumbledore pointed out. "For your mother, that Dark wizard was Lord Voldemort."

The puzzle pieces were slowly falling into place for Seraphina. "How did Voldemort find out about the existence of Merlin's bloodline if it was kept a secret?"

"Rumours about Merlin having a child turned into a legend," Dumbledore said. "A handful of witches and wizards have always known about the survival of the Dragonlords and somehow Voldemort found out."

"So he tracked down my mother and killed her?" Seraphina asked, voice weak. Was that the whole story? Her mum had been killed by Voldemort.

"He wanted her to join him, but she refused," Dumbledore explained, looking out the window with a wistful expression. "Your mother was a headstrong woman – I knew her since she was a young girl. She was actually sorted into Gryffindor during her time at Hogwarts."

"What was her name?" Seraphina asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"Kenna," Dumbledore told her. "Kenna Pendragon technically but everyone in your family has chosen to take other surnames in order to protect the lineage. Here at Hogwarts, everyone knew her as Kenna Hayes."

"Why couldn't you tell me about this earlier?" Seraphina asked, feeling like she had been smacked in the face with all this information. Suspecting her mother's true identity and having Dumbledore telling her about it were two entirely different things.

"I couldn't risk someone entering your mind and finding out. Why do you think I've trained you in the art of Occlumency since your First Year?" Dumbledore said. "Even here at Hogwarts there are those who'd use this information to hurt you. To my knowledge, Voldemort never found out Kenna had a daughter. I can only imagine the lengths he'd go to if he found out."

"She was like me? Did my mother also have these weird powers?" Sera wondered. If a wizard like Voldemort wanted her dead, she must have been.

"Some of them," Dumbledore told her. "Not all of them though. Nearly every member of your family has had a special connection to magic. And for some, the connection has been stronger than for others. Yours is especially strong."

Seraphina rubbed her temple, feeling her headache grow at all the new information she was receiving. "I think I need to go," Seraphina told the headmaster. She felt overwhelmed by all of it and while she wanted more answers, there was only so much she could process in one night. Standing up, she swayed a bit, feeling her head spin. "I'll talk to you another day, headmaster."

Not leaving him room to stop her, Seraphina ignored the pain in her knee and ran out. Running down the spiral staircase, Seraphina felt everything Dumbledore had told her swirl around like a tornado inside her head. Too caught up in her own thoughts she couldn't register any of her surroundings until she crashed into another person.


Grey eyes stared down at her with concern and Seraphina felt her calm facade break under his gaze. "I'm sorry," she apologised. "I didn't watch where I was walking."

"I guess I'm always standing in your way these days," Sirius cracked an awkward smile. "Are you okay?"

Seraphina scoffed, "Define okay."

"Uh, I'd say satisfactory or acceptable," Sirius offered, noticing the way her breathing seemed more erratic than usual.

"I guess I'm okay then," Seraphina said, eyes downcast to avoid his piercing gaze. She tried to take a step but her knee buckled underneath the weight, a shot of pain going up her leg. Before she hit the ground, Sirius reached out to grab her forearms.

Images of Rosier holding down her arms a few days earlier caused her to freeze completely. Flinching, she stepped back from him and tried to rest all her weight on her uninjured leg. Sirius's face fell, his hands frozen mid air like he didn't dare to move.

Guilt filled her, "I'm sorry, I – I'm just having a horrendous day. I should have stayed in the Hospital Wing," Seraphina said. Everything that had occurred during the past week played on loop in her head, over and over again.

"I know we haven't really been – close lately and it's my fault but – I want you to know that you always can talk to me Sephy," Sirius said. "I still care for you. I will always l-"

"Thank you," Sera told him, "I will keep that in mind."

Seraphina placed her hand on his arm for a second, offering a smile before walking past him. Knowing that she'd never be able to concentrate during any more classes, Seraphina made her way down to the dungeons. Since all the students were in classes, the Slytherin Dungeon was empty, giving her the opportunity to climb the stairs with her dignity intact.

Dropping down on her bed, Seraphina stared up at the ceiling. She tried to breathe slowly, in and out, to not panic as she thought about everything Dumbledore had told her. After almost seventeen years, Seraphina knew who her mother was; something that had been plaguing her thoughts for her entire life. For years, she simply believed that her mother simply had not wanted her and now she knew the truth.

Seraphina was Merlin's heir...

She was a descendant of House Pendragon...

A descendant of the Dragonlords...

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