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YOU HAVE A CHOICE, SERAPHINA✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"Ten points to Slytherin," Tom said drily, black eyes locked on hers and she could feel him push against her mental barriers, trying to get a look at her thoughts. "That is the name I fashioned for myself. It has a nicer ring to it than Tom, don't you think?"

"It's French, right?" Seraphina said, voice shaking just a little for good measure. Ever since their first meeting Seraphina had pondered over how she'd 'react' when Tom revealed his true identity. Running away screaming would definitely end poorly but if she just accepted it without a second thought, it might be suspicious to him. "Vol de mort – flight of death."

"A suiting name," Tom hummed. "I see you've learned some French – am I correct to assume it's young Regulus Black who's responsible for your new linguistic skills."

At the mention of Reggie's name, Seraphina fought to not tense. Voldemort mentioning his name made her concern for the young man she loved like a brother grow tenfold. "I'd not call it linguistic skills – and I am certain Regulus would agree." There was no use denying her friendship to Regulus when Voldemort clearly already knew how close they were.

"Regulus understands the sacrifices in our blood," Tom mused. "Understands what has to be done before men like Albus Dumbledore allow mudbloods to taint our world by allowing them a wand and a place at Hogwarts. It's a noble cause we fight for – but it's not a fight I can win alone, Seraphina. I need witches and wizards like yourself, Regulus Black, Timothy Pucey and Alec Avery."

"My family-"

"And what is your family?" Tom asked in faux sympathy. "One brother who's too busy travelling the world to see you, and one brother who has his own family. I know what it's like to be cast away by the people you share blood with."

"They haven't casted me away," Seraphina argued.

"Haven't they?" Tom asked. "The Weasleys might phantom themselves more open-minded than any other wizard family – but it's as important for them to be Gryffindors as it is for a Black or a Malfoy to be a Slytherin. You've never been one of them, Sera – you are much more and they'll never be able to understand that."

"Your point being?" Seraphina said, feeling his word hit a little too close to home. Despite knowing deep down that her family cared about her, it was true that she'd always been the outcast of the Weasley family. Born to a mother that abandoned her on Septimus's doorstep as a newborn, Sera had always been the half-sister her brother's were forced to take responsibility for; even more so after their father died.

"That you have a choice, Seraphina," Tom told her. "Change the world with me, or live the rest of your life pretending to be somebody you're not to please everyone else."

"I — I-" Seraphina struggled to find the right words. "You're asking me to give up everything – and for what?"

"For a better world," Tom circled around her like he had many times before. "One where you're not forced to repress your magic. A world where our magical blood isn't tainted. I do not wish to spill any magical blood – for it is sacred and too scarce – but some sacrifices must be made for the wizarding world to survive."

Looking down at the floor instead, Seraphina asked, "And what makes you think I care about that?"

"Because you haven't tried to run away yet," Tom smirked, stroking her cheek with one cold finger. "You haven't tried to kill me – and I think that says a lot about what you feel deep down, even if you can't admit it to yourself. What do you think your little friends would say if they heard you had the opportunity to kill Lord Voldemort, but didn't take it."

Both James and Sirius would have done it months ago, Seraphina realised. Neither of them would have been capable of spending a second in Tom's presence — with the knowledge that he really was the Dark Lord — without trying, and definitely failing, to kill him.

"I don't expect you to make a choice now, Sera," Tom told her. "Think about it and choose what is right for you — not everyone else. But now that once you've made the jump, there is no turning back."

. • ⚯͛ • .

After leaving Tom, Seraphina didn't know where to go. His ultimatum echoed like a mantra in her head as she sat on a random park near Sirius's apartment trying to compose herself before going inside — because no matter what she chose to do now, everything would change. Seraphina absolutely loathed change.

Would everyone consider her a coward if she backed out now?

Pretending to not know that she spent the last few months hanging out with Lord Voldemort was difficult enough; convincing him that she was one of his devout followers would be something entirely different. If he suspected that he hadn't succeeded in manipulating her, Seraphina would likely end up dead in a ditch somewhere.

Spending a few hours with Tom and then returning home to Sirius's flat or the Burrow would no longer be an option. If she continued to spend time with her family and friends, Voldemort would suspect her true motives — especially if he heard rumours about them being members of the Order.

She needed to speak with Professor Dumbledore — to report on her progress and lay down a plan on how to proceed from now on. Though she didn't need to discuss it with Dumbledore to realise that she'd have to leave her loved ones behind. It required lying even more to the people she loved the most.

Weighed down by dread for the future, Seraphina sat on that lonely park bench until drizzling rain broke her out of her spiralling apprehension. Red locks stuck to her forehead and her teeth chattered when Seraphina entered Sirius's dark flat. After shrugging off her soaked coat, Sera struggled to get her muddy shoes off.

She should have learned by now that Sirius waited up the nights he knew she'd come home to him. Sera only just managed to get her second shoe off when footsteps padded against the floor and a tired-looking Sirius walked into the tiny hallway.

"You're back," Sirius grinned, pulling her into a warm hug – one she truly needed at the moment. "Don't you dare leave for that long ever again."

Those words felt like a punch in the stomach. Though Seraphina couldn't let him see that. Therefore, Sera simply hugged him back, wondering how many more times she'd do that. "I missed you," Seraphina murmured, feeling herself relax for the first time since her encounter with Tom. With Sirius she felt safe. He gave her a sense of peace even as the war only got worse around them.

When Sirius loosened his embrace Seraphina quickly brought him into a kiss. Seraphina did not know if she'd be capable of looking him in the eye right now without revealing her inner turmoil. If he started questions, the dam might burst and then every encounter with Voldemort during would be for nothing.

For once, luck seemed to be on her side because Sirius didn't question her actions. Instead he backed her up against the wall, kissing her back with equal ferocity. Sirius started working on unbuttoning her shirt with one hand while the other cradled the back of her head, fingers threading through her flaming red hair as he deepened the kiss.

"Merlin, I missed you," Sirius mumbled against her lips but not even the mention of her dead ancestor could kill the mood – though she'd prefer if Sirius didn't mention her great-great-something-grandfather when they were about to shag.

Soon both of their shirts were on the floor. Sirius guided her backwards through the apartment towards the bedroom, never once breaking the kiss. Little did either of them know how much that night would change their lives...

OUTCAST | SIRIUS BLACKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora