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MISCHIEF MANAGED ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"Is there any particular reason you've decided to not button up your shirt Padfoot?" James sent his friend an unimpressed side-glance as the Marauders and Seraphina tried to sneak around the castle, heading towards whatever the boys wanted to show her.

"My girlfriend just won the Quidditch Cup," Sirius smirked, running a hand through his hair as he sent a wink Sera's way, "I am simply awarding her for her brilliance."

Seraphina rolled her eyes, "Thank you for your generosity, darling," she drily stated. Sirius was all too aware of how handsome he truly was and that his years as a Beater definitely did him good. Therefore, she did not want to feed his ego more by allowing him to catch her staring at his abs exposed by the open white shirt.

"You two are nauseating," Remus told them bluntly.

"But you love us anyway, Remmy," Seraphina slowed down to walk beside the werewolf, struggling to throw an arm over his shoulder due to their height difference. It was entirely unfair that he'd decided to become so tall. She preferred the days when they'd been the same height – and the year or two when she actually was taller than him – rather than now when his 6'2 frame made her feel like a 5'7 child. "Or me at least."

"Oi, Moony loves me way more than you," Sirius said, turning around to walk backwards. Hopefully everyone else in the castle was asleep because the 'be quiet' part of them sneaking around the castle wasn't going so well. "Tell her."

"Sorry, Padfoot," Remus said, throwing his arm over Sera's shoulder, "but don't worry, you're on the top ten list."

Sirius gasped dramatically, clutching his heart, "I'm wounded. Betrayed by my best friend – how am I supposed to survive this." Then he straightened up and fixed Remus with a suspicious look, "Do you even know ten people, Moony?"

"Ha ha," Remus said drily. Then he pointed at something behind Sirius, "We're here."

Only then, Seraphina realised they'd taken her to the Trophy Room on the third floor. "Salazar, is the school finally giving out an award for the biggest idiots the school has ever seen?" she exclaimed in mock excitement. "Guuuuys, congratulations. I knew you had it in you."

The Marauders all turned to give her an unimpressed glare, which only made Sera's smile widen. "We saw this earlier," James said, practically bouncing towards the crystal display case standing outside in the corridor. Inside the Trophy Room the school stored all the old awards, trophies, statues, cups, plates, shields, and medals. However, one of the display cases was kept out in the hallway since it attracted the most attention from students: Quidditch awards.

Sirius circled around Seraphina and placed one hand over her eyes while he guided her forward, "It seems Dumbledore and the rest of the faculty is deciding to award you for your brilliant performance this year," he said proudly and when they stopped in front of the crystal display he removed his hand.


Seraphina laughed in surprise at seeing her name there amongst many other legendary Quidditch Captains. It definitely wasn't every year that somebody was awarded one of those achievements and it never even struck her that Dumblefore would give her one. "Congrats, Sephy," Sirius kissed her cheek, still standing behind her. "You deserve it."

Seraphina opened her mouth but froze when she heard something echo through the stone corridors, "I think somebody is coming."

In that moment it became very clear to Seraphina how the Marauders managed to get so many detentions over the years. They had absolutely no idea how to handle emergency situations. Peter started panicking, looking ready to faint, while Sirius and James's first instinct was checking the Marauders Map. Meanwhile, Remus, being the only one keeping his cool, rummaged through his bag for James's invisibility cloak.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," James whispered and a map appeared on the previously blank parchment.

"It's Minnie," Sirius whisper-yelled. "We have to hide."

"Moony, Sephy, take the cloak," James told them. "We got this," he confidently stated, looking between his fellow animagus friends. "Mischief Managed," James and Sirius then said in unison.

Just as Remus managed to wrap the cloak around himself and Seraphina, Professor McGonagall turned around the corner and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight in front of her. Remus – who had to crouch a little for their feet to be covered by the cloak too – and Seraphina both laughed into their fists, trying desperately to remain quiet.

In the middle of the empty hallway McGonagall stared at a black dog, a stag and a rat who stared back at her unblinkingly. The three boys in their animagus forms then shared a look. What happened next was straight out of a weird dream that likely would plague McGonagall's mind for years. Peter ran away in one direction while Sirius jumped up on James's back to flee the scene. Seraphina and Remus were both biting their lips to the point of bleeding as they watched a stag run away from the older woman with a black dog on his back, leaning his front paws against the antlers.

"I don't know how," McGonagall muttered to herself, rubbing her temple like she was fighting off a headache, "but somehow Black and Potter are involved in this." Without giving it more of a thought, she prepared to leave and the two remaining students shared a relieved look. Their relief died quickly, however, when a meow followed by footsteps caused their eyes to widen in alarm.

"Ah, Argus, good morning," McGonagall greeted Filch politely as the two passed each other.

Mrs. Norris sauntered down the corridor towards them, her owner trailing closely behind. The invisibility cloak did nothing to cover their scents which meant that if they were unlucky, the cat would find them. Seraphina considered their options, if it came to it she could use her magic to make something inside the Trophy Room fall over, which hopefully would distract both the cat and caretaker.

The cat strolled towards Remus and Sera and she prepared herself to quietly summon some magic, only for Mrs. Norris to suddenly turn around. Her attention had been caught by something else.

"What have you found there, my dear?" Filch asked in his raspy voice. Only then, Remus and Seraphina realised what Mrs. Norris found and they shared a wide-eyed glance. When James and Sirius turned into their animagus forms it must have dropped on the floor for Filch to find:

The Marauders Map...

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