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I'M A SMART STUDENT, NOT A GOOD ONE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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"Good evenings to you all and welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore's voice echoed across the Great Hall. "Another year full of opportunities and hopefully great joy!" Everyone applauded for the headmaster and when it quieted down, he continued, "First, let me introduce the newest member of our staff - Baxter Sterling."

Once again everyone applauded as an older, short man with a bald head stood up and bowed his head in thanks. He did not smile or show any indication that he wanted to be there which was a bit worrying. But on the plus side, if he was a bad teacher, he wouldn't last more than a year anyways - for some reason no one ever did.

"Professor Sterling will be replacing Professor Elderberry as Professor of Defence Against Dark Arts," Dumbledore clarfield and then his happy demeanour turned a bit more serious. "And now onto less pleasant matters. I don't think anyone here has missed what is happening in the rest of the Wizarding World. Dark forces are growing stronger and stronger for every passing day."

Seraphina noticed how some of her housemates shared smirks while the rest of the students seemed to have lost the spark of excitement that the new year brought. No one could miss that Voldemort and his followers gained more power and strength since more people joined them. The amount of muggles that were killed under mysterious circumstances increased and as did the disappearances of muggle-borns. It was terrible.

"Dark forces may try to penetrate these castle walls, but in the end their greatest weapon is you. That is something I want all of you to think about," he looked over at the Slytherin table. "Now off to bed you go."

"That's a light note to end on," Seraphina muttered sarcastically.

"It's a better note to end on than singing the school song," Avery pointed out from beside her as they stood up from the table and started walking out of the Great Hall with the rest of the students. And since everyone was trying to walk through the double doors at the same time a large queue formed. "Because no one here can hit a note to save their life."

"Speak for yourself, Avery. I hit every note of 'Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy, Warty, Hogwarts," Seraphina smirked.

"Whoever wrote that lyrics deserves a life-sentence in Azkaban," Avery scoffed. He had actually been a good company for the evening. The thing about Avery was that he was nice to talk with for as long as he wasn't near Mulciber, Rosier or any of the other wannabe Death Eaters. In their company he turned into an arrogant arse and while he was never cruel like the others, he wasn't exactly pleasant either.

"I have a theory that Dumbledore and Slughorn wrote it after one too many Fire Whiskeys," Seraphina told him with fake seriousness.

"With Professor McGonagall joining in for the chorus," Avery with equal seriousness before the both of them broke out in laughter just as they got out of the Great Hall.

Then Seraphina changed the subject while her eyes scanned the crowd, "Where is Regulus?" she asked. "I haven't seen him at all."

"He sat with us during the trainride, but then I lost him when we stepped off the train," Avery explained. "And now I think he is supposed to show the First Years to the Common Room."

Seraphina gasped in delight, "He made prefect? Well, of course he did. That's great – for as long as it doesn't intervene with Quidditch practice. Then we are going to have to get him into enough trouble so he loses his badge."

"I guess you know what happened at the Black household-"

"Avery, we have had an entire evening where I haven't considered punching you once," Seraphina cut him off. "Let's keep it that way by avoiding subjects where we know our opinions are so different it will start an argument."

"Noted," Avery said and the two walked the rest of the way down to the dungeons in silence. Once inside, Seraphina dropped down into one of the couches. "Will you be holding tryouts this year too? None of our players graduated last year."

"Yes, but I still have to make sure everyone is up for the task this year," Seraphina pointed out. "Who knows, maybe one of the Second Years will come in and steal the show." When she noticed Avery's disbelieving look, she rolled her eyes, "Not to mention I will take any reason to make all of you lads nervous about not making the team."

Then the doors opened and Regulus entered alongside another Fifth Year, a girl Sera never had learned the name of, and all of the curious little First Years. "Reggie," Seraphina stood up from the couch and jogged over to crush the poor boy into a hug. "Our little super-seeker made prefect."

"I detest you," Regulus grumbled, not appreciating how she was purposefully trying to embarrass him in front of the newbies. She noticed that he looked a bit more worn out than usual, and while she wanted to ask him how he was feeling about Sirius leaving, she knew that she'd had to wait until they were alone.

"Oh, no you don't," Seraphina told him and out of the corner of her eye she noticed how the female prefect walked over to join her friends - truly the prefect of the year. Therefore, she turned to the First Years who looked at her like she was a unicorn - or maybe an acromantula.

Regulus noticed this and rolled his eyes, "You may all recall me mentioning how the Slytherin House produces a lot of talented students, here you have one of the exceptions to the rule: Seraphina Weasley."

Seraphina glared at him for a second before saying, "Also known as the Captain of the Quidditch Team and one of the smartest students at Hogwarts," she told them.

"According to whom?"

"The fact that I scored Outstanding on all of my O.W.L:s," Seraphina told him with an overly sweet smile. Then she focused back on the nervous First Years who watched their banter with both wonder and like they were weirded out.

"Yet you did not become a prefect," Regulus retorted.

"I am a smart student, not a good one," Seraphina said proudly. "Have you told them about Study Sundays?"

"No, I was about to when you interrupted me," Regulus told her pointedly. Then he turned to the First Years and apathetically said, "Every Sunday from after lunch to dinner us older students will be available if you need any help with your homework or don't understand something in class."

Many might think that the Slytherins were a selfish bunch and that everyone was cruel. But one thing almost every Slytherin valued was the prestige of belonging to the House of the Serpent; and for that prestige to be maintained they had to make sure that Slytherin students reached their full potential. While everyone had their own ambitions that stood above helping others, they also realised the value of making contacts and making sure they beat the other houses.

"Don't be scared to ask us for help. Most of us aren't as scary as we look," Seraphina joked. "And if any of you need any help before your first flying lesson, you can come to me," she told them. "As the Quidditch Captain, it is my responsibility to delegate your worries to one of my loyal subjects that will help you."

"Sera is also where you should go if you want any information on the upcoming Slytherin Cup that will take place in the beginning of next term," Avery told the First Years, joining the conversation.

"What is the Slytherin Cup?" a boy in the front asked with a frown.

Seraphina smiled mysteriously, "It is a secret and ancient tradition within the Slytherin House that has been practised for generations. It takes place every fourth year and is organised by the Quidditch Captain with the assistance of the team. But that is all we will say for now."

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