086. jealous of him

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter eighty-six

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter eighty-six

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jonah :))
[ 5:23pm ]

ur so evil nelly

first u ignored me

then u wouldn't give me
one of ya cute bracelets

sorry wasn't allowed to

according to who


it's ur party ur suppose to
be choosing who goes

well you mustn't have made
the cut then :)

i should have

was all that we had nothing
to you?

you were the topic of the
school today haha


oh that wasn't meant for you

meant for that british wannabe
i'm guessing

he is british?

what's that dude's name


what a stupid name

british accents aren't even

idk what u see in it

it's not all about that

what's it about then

he's nice and he's respectful
and he cares about me he shows
interest in things that makes me
happy and he doesn't care what
others think

i can do all that

10x better too

can you though?


well then why didn't you
when we were "together"?

how do you even know
this guy

answer my question first

i did care about you

and show interest in things
you like i mean how many of
ur fav movies did we watch

then why did you say all that
shit to your friends about me??

omg get over it i've already
said that i'm sorry i can't change
what's happened so just move
on already

now how do u know him

i know his grandparents.

oh so ur just helping out the

they never asked me to hang
out with him?

yk he's just gonna leave

unlike me i ain't. i don't have
another home

i'll have you know he's actually
living here

and just because someone has
an accent doesn't mean he's just
swinging through town. some
people keep their accents for years
when they move countries


are you jealous of him?


wtf no

seems like it..

well i'm not

well like i told you last week and all
the times before that we're over. i
don't care how you're trying to "win
me back" it's not working you're
just digging yourself deeper.


how what

how am i digging myself deeper

i've said nothing wrong

in the last like fifteen minutes
you've told me that i should get
over how you treated me and
the things you said about me.
and you've said rude unnecessary
things about someone i care about

i don't care about your opinions
on jude i never asked for them
so what you believe doesn't matter

and i honestly don't understand
why you so desperately want me
i'm sure you have other girls

i do have other girls

i never said i wanted you


i just said i wanted an invite to
your party

well you're not getting one.

you invited literally all my
friends it's unfair

i could throw a party the same
night and no one will show up
at yours

i really don't care how little
people how up to my party
cause all that matters is that
i'll be having fun with my

and jude :)

ofc he's invited

my friends joked i should
invite you to make you jealous
but seems i don't even need
to for it lol

once again i'm not jealous

and i'll be at your party i've
already got a bracelet

well good luck getting in with it.

what's that suppose to mean

do you seriously have a list
of who can't go??


just let me come and i'll
make everything up to you

nel please

i've made him so desperate lol

GOOD GIRLS; jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now