067. don't do this to me

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter sixty-seven

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter sixty-seven

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jonah :))
[ 9:24pm ]

hi jonah :)

oh hey nel

how come you didn't come to
math class this morning?

i missed seeing you there

did you now?

yeah i won't lie i kinda did

i didn't feel like getting up
early lol

i heard that you and ruby
broke up

we did

that's sad :(

i thought you told her to break
up with me🤨

she told me that you two
talked yesterday

we did talk but i never told her to
break up with you. she made her
own decision

ur evil nelly

nothing i done was evil?

well considering ur now texting
me sayin u miss me yet yesterday
when i had a gf you wanted nothing
to do with me.. seems a little odd
doesn't it

well no

i thought about what you said
and what i said, and i decided i
do wanna talk to you again. it's
just a coincidence that ruby broke
up with you so soon

you caught me in a bad mood
yesterday otherwise i probably
would've agreed to start seeing
you again

so are we going back to how
we were now or smth

i mean we can hang again

not tonight though maybe we
wait till the party on friday

i don't really want ollie finding
out just yet

yeah cool

whatever means i get to be
with you again

oh and please don't tell

i don't want this getting back
to ruby otherwise she'll think i
lied to her to get back with you

yeah ofc

so what are you up to?

just you know

what's that supposed to
mean lol

me time

hm right

and u

laying in bed thinking about
you ;)

in what way 😏

just you know

don't do this to me nel

do what?

puttin pictures into my

makin me wanna do all sorts
with you

that sounds like a you
problem :)


i want you so bad you don't

i'm sorry but you can't have
me tonight :(

sneak out for me

i'll do anything for you

i can'ttt

you're just gonna have to wait
till friday to do whatever it is that
you wanna do with me




depends on how i'm feeling

i'll be waiting 😈

anyway i gotta go

but it was nice talking with
you again i didn't realise how
much i missed it

i've missed it to

see you around jo

see you around nelly

quick little filler chapter :)

also btw i imagine penny just laying
in bed texting him, headphones in
listening to specifically a revenge
playlist she's made to get her in
the right mind set yet having the
biggest smile on her face 👍

GOOD GIRLS; jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now