043. i'm working on it

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter forty-three

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter forty-three

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third person.

as the boys' monday afternoon training came around, they were in the school gym, listening to music as they worked out. although the group was quickly distracted when jack had brought up the around one-am update jonah had sent of penelope on the weekend night during their all nighter.

"yeah what the fuck was that photo actually?" corbyn flicked his head towards them. "it was too dark to work out."

"what are yous talking about?" one of the other team members joined in. "is this to do with those dares you have going."

"yea.. i was just sent the all nighter check ins to our group chat," joanh gestured his hand around his main four friends. "i don't know what fucked up shit the rest of you might've done with the photos."

"anyway.. so the photo?" zach brought the conversation back to the original topic.

"nah nah, if you're too fuckin' stupid to work it out then that's your fault," he shrugged.

"it was too dark," corbyn repeated. "you could've been in a bedroom for all we know, which means task failed."

"i sent one like twenty minutes before of us at the beach.. and another one an hour later of us still there," he furrowed. "you think we went to the effort or leaving and going back just to take some stupid photos?"

"she's seems smart, and is also a girl, so she probably knows a way to like take photos and send the later while making it look like a legit snap," jack more so suggested.

"she was sucking my dick, there was no fucking time to talk about that," he raised his voice in slightly frustration from the team trying to make it out like he didn't complete part of the dare he was asked to do.

"on the beach?!" zach flicked his head towards him.

"yeah, fuck it," he shrugged.

"was she good at it?" another questioned.

"dude, she tried to tell me she hadn't sucked a dick before then but i highly fuckin' doubt that, that was one of the best blow jobs i've had."

"don't let ya girlfriend find that out."

"i'm surprised you didn't try to rub that in sooner," corbyn chuckled.

"ah, she didn't want me tell you all, probably doesn't wanna make you all jealous cause yous ain't ever getting that," jonah laughed. "also i better not hear a word outside of here."

"so let me get this straight.." daniel finally chimed in, slightly furrowing his brows. "she asked you not to tell us and then you sent the photo? which not only told us about it but also showed us... when you could've just.. i don't know.. respected her and not sent a photo.. cause clearly you just wanted to make it known."

"daniel, dude, you're so fucking boring sometimes," corbyn replied. "this girl's probably broken more 'rules' than you have and she's like the most innocent girl we know."

"i've had my fair share of sex," he argued. "i just don't go around gloating about it cause i don't think that's the most important thing, especially after you've been asked not to talk about it."

"when was the last time you did then?" jonah raised a brow.

"the other night," he folded his arms.

"bro, you're dirty," corbyn chuckled, shoving the boy.

"at my girlfriend's house?!" jonah raised his voice.

"which girlfriend are we talking about?" daniel snickered, turning back to where he was working out and grabbing his phone off the floor.

"look," he quickly got his attention back. "i get that you're against me dating two girls for the sake of keeping these fuckers amused, but you need to get over it, cause i ain't a pussy."

"i hope to god she finds a guy to cheat on you with, cause you honestly deserve it," he shrugged, leaving the elder slightly speechless and unsure on what to say, as he then left the gym. 

"don't understand his problem," jonah muttered.

"anyway.." jack clapped to break the silence the group fell into.

"so now you've just gotta get penny to skip class and get drunk," zach reminded him. "i think.."

"yeah, yeah, i'm working on it."

jonah in the last line is me
when you're wondering when
i'm updating this lol

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