070. a little more for me

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G O O D G I R L S,
chapter seventy

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter seventy

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third person.

the friend group headed back to aurora's after the party and all crashed almost instantly as soon they hit the beds. on the way home, penelope had simply brushed off their pestering about what happened between her and jonah with an shortened answer of they 'just talked'.

so when it came to hanging out in aurora's room after breakfast, the girl blurting out; "i hooked up with jonah" took them all by surprise.

"what do you mean?" aurora flicked her head towards her. "you did not say that happened last night."

"i didn't want to talk about it then.."

"hooked up to what extent?" layla raised a brow. "like yous made out or.. he came in like five minutes?"

"they were gone for way longer than five minutes," elias corrected with a small chuckle.

".. we.." she hesitantly spoke up, feeling a little uncomfortable now with the more she thought about the acts. "did.. do more than just kissing.." she admitted — knowing it was just her friends and that they weren't going to judge her.

"was it better or worst than the last time?" aurora asked, feeling a little protective of her. "cause if it's worst we might need to do something about that boy."

"m-mh," she shook her head. "i was prepared this time-"

"so you faked it?!" elias cut her off.

"no like.. i knew more like.. about what to expect," she shrugged. "and.. he done a little more for me this time."

"did he go down on you?" layla questioned, watching her softly shake her head. "fingered?"

".. maybe-"

"penelope!" elias exclaimed once again. "you dirty girl."

"but like- i didn't.. i didn't have sex with him because i wanted to- not like he forced me but it wasn't to get back with him" she quickly started to defend herself; "it was so i could mess around with him like i said i would."

"and how does that work?" aurora slightly furrowed.

"the agreement was.. if he cleared my name at school and took back what he said last time and explained he made it up and i'm not into weird stuff- because i'm not, and explained he was the one who was bad at sex.. i would think about getting back with him."

"and cause i wanted to sorta prove it to him, and he of course argued that he wasn't the problem and that he can satisfy girls.. it just sorta lead to that," she concluded her little babble.

"guilt trip him to get what you want, makes sense," austin softly nodded.

"no, mastermind," marco corrected — knowing she'd like the reference, which in fact did make her softly giggle.

"you know you didn't owe it to him to prove anything, right penny?" aurora added.

"i know," she nodded. "i just.. sorta wanted to also prove it to myself that i'm not weird and actually do like something that everyone seems to always be talking about.. and like my thoughts were i would kinda rather do it with him again then someone else cause then what if i don't enjoy it then they're going to believe all those rumours.."

"and what if you didn't enjoy it and jonah just went and confirmed it to everyone and brought all that back up?" layla questioned.

"he wouldn't this time," penelope shook her head. "he trying to get on my good side cause he wants to get back with me. i mean he did agree that he'll tell everyone he's bad at sex.."

"yeah but will be keep his word.." she softly hummed. "he doesn't have the best track record of doing so.."

"if he doesn't then i will."

"okay, go off bad girl," elias laughed.

"you know penny," austin spoke up, causing his girlfriend to quickly turn her attention to him. "i did over hear some people talking about how good you looked last night, so you know you have options, you don't need to be with him."

"mh.. i know."

"you did say you were just messing around with him so now would be the perfect opportunity to get with a different guy now that they'll all be coming your way," marco added.

"i don't think that's true," she disagreed whilst subtly shaking her head.

"penny, you're so pretty," aurora replied. "just because a guy doesn't have the balls to talk to you, it doesn't mean you should believe you aren't."

"and who knows, this might be different now that they've all seen you in a different light," elias shrugged. "not that an outfit determines your looks, just that it probably help them finally realise how pretty you are."


so should penny get back with
jonah now 🤔

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