049. did you enjoy it

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter forty-nine

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter forty-nine

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third person.

the following night, penelope had planned to hang out with her friends at their spot on the beach. so once receiving a message from her friend across the road just after ten-pm, she grabbed her tote with a few things in it and quickly snuck out her room and to the front of the house.

"heyyy," elias quietly greeted her, following with a small chuckle while giving her a quick hug. "no longer a virgin?" he playfully raised a brow as he pulled away. "you got that post-sex look about you-"

"stop," she shook her head as her gaze dropped to the road as they begun walking.

"i'm joking, it's not a thing.. but that smile on your face tells all," he teased.

"can we just wait to talk about it with everyone..?" she asked through a slight mumble. "i don't wanna have to repeat myself.. plus no offence but the girls will probably understand more.."

"i get that," he agreed. "but you don't even have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"i know," she nodded. "but i kinda want to.. just cause.. i don't know.."

"he didn't force you into anything did he?"

"no," she quickly shook her head. "i wanted to.. it's was just kinda like odd."

"mh.. i'm gonna tell you this now, i'm sure rory will too, but if you've ever agree to have sex and you change your mind during, you can always tell them to stop.. you don't have to keep going.."

"i know that," she nodded once again. the two falling into silences for a couple seconds as they continued walked, her then asking; "how was last night? or am i gonna get fomo?"

"nah, we just hung out, we thought about going to the party but we just weren't bothered. we just we talked, wondered what you were up to, that was about it- oh austin came over, and cause marco was there, layla was feeling really single so we were all fucking around with guys on tinder to get her a date."

"mh.. not much then."

"no, not much," elias agreed. "we were making sure we weren't up to too much so if you needed we could go pick you up right away."

"thank you.. i appreciate that.."

"of course, we'd never leave you in a bad situation."

the pair continued to talked about the friend groups night as they made their way to the town's small beach. greeting the other two girls with a hug each, and exchanging small hello's with austin before they all got situated around the picnic mats.

"penny, it's your day to speak," layla after they all had poured themselves a drink each.

"only if you want to talk about you time with frantzich," aurora added.

"yous probably don't care but.." penelope spoke up, subtly passing her cup between her hands as she fiddled. "he made um he made me the taylor chai cookies and a bouquet of flower- which ollie would've told him to get me, and then he also got me a little picture frame with a picture of me kissing him on the cheek- which is very how you get the girl coded, and then a card with a little note about how he likes me.."

"aww, that's cute," the elder adored with a small smile on her face.

"then um.. we were like kissing and we agreed to go further and whatever, i did want to and i felt ready to of course but.. it was kinda awkward and honestly.. i couldn't stop thinking about taylor swift.."

"girl, i think that means you may not be into guys," elias said with a slight chuckle.

"no, no," she shook her head. "like i was just like singing august in my head when.. yeah.. cause before anything progressed he had whispered to me 'are you sure' and like that's a main line in the song."

"the fact that your mind was more focused on song lyrics, when you, who's like very aware at all times, were literally having sex for the first time, it is sounding very disassociating.." layla mentioned.

"did you enjoy it?" aurora questioned.

penelope shrugged, following by taking a sip of her drink. "it wasn't like anything like in.. porn or whatever-"

"you've watched porn?!" elias exclaimed.

"no, like i- well, like two videos but it wasn't for my own gratification, i just wanted to see what it was like," she babbled. "i don't like going into things unprepared, yous know this."

"you're free to watch porn," he chuckled, holding his hands up as a sign of being defenceless. "most girls won't admit it though, that's all."

"yeah, i've never heard a girl say that they do," austin added. "i've caught her watching it-"

"woahhhhhh," aurora panicked as she covered her boyfriend's mouth. "i wasn't, anyway.. there's nothing wrong with that if someone does want to, i don't judge."

"anyway, why didn't you enjoy it?" layla brought the conversation back to the other girl. "didn't feel good or?"

"i.. no, not really," she subtly shook her head as her gaze dropped to her hands. "it sorta hurt at times and like i didn't.. really.. feel like any like satisfaction from it.."

"he didn't think to like go down on you or even at least finger you a little?" she slightly titled her head. "you'd think for someone who's had sex with a fair amount of girls would know to include a little foreplay to get the girl going."

"..are you okay?" aurora softly spoke, gently wrapping her arm around penelope and resting her head on her shoulder as the younger wiped under her eyes.

"i'm okay.." she nodded. "i just.. talking about it is sorta making me just like overthink it all and making me feel like i done something wrong or there's something wrong with me-"

"there's absolutely nothing wrong with you," she politely interrupted her. "majority of girls don't find a great amount of pleasure from just penetration. it's completely normal to reach that point of satisfaction from other ways instead."

"a lot of guys don't realise that.." austin chimed in. "like you mentioned porn.. like sure there is like touching girls, going down on them but most of it is just going at it and the girl's this like wet, load, moaning messy-"

"tone it down a bit, babe.."

"what i'm getting at is that it's unrealistic, it's actors putting on an act and making people believe that's real.." he continued. "like sex can be chill, it doesn't have to be a loud, extravagant scene.. you can have fun doing it, or you can just not enjoy it at all, you don't have to have sex, it's a free world."

"and if jonah and his dumbass friends acts like a dick about what happened last night, he doesn't deserve you," elias mentioned. "cutes gifts don't make up for his words."

"mh.." penelope nodded. "um.. while i remember, i won't be at school on monday.. i'm gonna have the day off before great-granny's funeral."

"yeah, that's okay," aurora nodded. "for now.. should we get drunk and you can forget last night happened?"

"mm... maybe," she softly giggled. "just a little bit though."

sorry i was gonna write smth
else and then this chapter but
clearly i had no inspo for it hence
the break between chapter so i
scrapped it and we just skipped
straight to this which i managed
to write in basically one sitting lol

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