079. nice meeting you

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter seventy-nine

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter seventy-nine

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third person.

"who's the boy in the backyard?" vivianne questioned her sister the second she barged into her bedroom. "you never said anyone was coming over?"

"jude. he's related to mrs o'hair next door," penelope replied as she turned her phone off and brought her attention to the other. "we went over to get leo's ball and he offered to come play with him."

"that's weird," she furrowed as she moved around to by the sliding door, looking out at the two boys. "does mom know?"


"mh," she hummed as she continued looking out at them for a couple more seconds before turning around to her sister.

"is that all?"

"is he the boy you got in trouble over?"

"no," she quickly shook her head. "he's not even from here."

"so you've been talking him?" vivianne furrowed.

"when i went and got the ball with leo, yeah," she nodded, confused on what her sister was getting at.

"and you spoke for long enough to find out where he's from?"

"no, he has a strong british accent," penelope shrugged. "so he's obviously not from here."

"right.. well if i see you're gonna be sneaking him in, i will be letting mom and dad know," a smug expression on her face as she folded her arms.

"you're not getting my room," she softly snickered. "i hope you know."

"ollie lost it when he was caught."

"mom and dad already said there won't be any more room changes. you're fourteen, i'm sure they'd rather me be in here.."

"if you say so."

"and i literally just met him and we've only spoken about leo. there's literally nothing going on."

"whatever you say, penelope," vivianne held her hands slightly in the air as slowly wandered towards the door to exit into the hallway.

the elder sister simply shook her head at the other, before turning her attention back to the group chat with her friends. occasionally glancing outside to the boys in the backyard — but only for her attention to be quickly engaged into her phone.

meanwhile outside, leonardo's patients was being tested with the british teen not being able to kick the football well enough.

"you're shit at this!" the nine year old scoffed after picking up the ball that went in a different direction from himself. "you gotta do it like this!"

GOOD GIRLS; jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now