051. alone when i'm sad

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter fifty-one

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter fifty-one

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third person.

"heard the big news," marco teased the girl as he moved the chair from the desk in front to closer to her's whilst they filled in the few minutes before the mathematics lesson actually begun. "friday's events," he clarified as he remember what about what she had on the day prior.

"did el tell you?" penelope softly spoke up, receiving a small nod from him.

"hope it's okay that i know.."

"it's fine.. i trust you."

"aw i feel special," he softly chuckled, holding his hand to his chest for a second.

"you already knew it was an idea anyway," she shrugged. "plus elias' has already you.. i can't really reverse that."

"true... have things between you and jonah changed since then? i've never done it so i wouldn't know.. i'm scared that being so vulnerable with someone would change the relationship i have.."

"um.. we.. haven't really spoke.." she admitted.

"really?" he furrowed.

she subtly nodded.

"i'm sorry to hear that," he softly frowned. "he's a dickhead if he wants to leave you.. especially after that."


"marco, shoo," jonah interrupted the pair.

"got it right this time," he snickered.

"shut the fuck up, polo," he shook his head as he took a seat at his usual desk. "hey nel," he sent the girl a small smile. "where were you yesterday? we had math last and you weren't there."

"i had the day off.." penelope softly replied while her eyes flickering between him, her notebook and the pen she was fiddling with.


"um.. i- it was my- i had a funeral to go to.."

"oh.. right, why didn't you say anything?" he furrowed as he reached over and grabbed her hand, getting her to bring her attention to him.  "or was it someone who you don't really care about?"

"it was my great-grandma," she softly shook her head in response to the second question, with a small sniffle. "and it never came up.."

"fair," he subtly nodded to himself. "sorry about that."

"it's not your fault.."

"were you two close?"

"granny was close with everyone," she nodded, a small smile on her face as she remembered her late family member. "she was very friendly.. she probably would've liked you if you two had the chance to meet."

"if only we met sooner.." he replied, looking over the the classroom's entrance as their teacher walked in then back at the girl. "i wish you would've told me when it happened, i could've came over and comfort you."

"it's okay," penelope slightly shrugged. "i.. kinda prefer to be alone when i'm sad.."

"whenever you're sad next, tell me," he more so demanded. "i don't like the idea of you being alone when you're sad. i wanna be there for you."

"okay.." she gently pulled her hand away from the boy's while mr. palgrave gained the whole room's attention as he begun the lesson.

jonah's gaze stayed on her quite a bit as the next few minutes passed, somewhat admiring her looks. it all going unnoticed to penelope as she copied the revision work from the board, wanting to make sure she got everything down after missing the lesson the day prior.

waiting till their teacher had finished talking and started handing out the work sheets, the boy lent over slightly closer to penelope and saying her name as he gained her attention.

"can we hang tonight?" he quietly spoke.

"um, yeah.. probably."

"i'll text you."

"yeah, okay," she nodded once again.

a little calm before chaos 🤔😈

(if you read this a couple days
ago nothing was changed. i was
just seeing if wp is fixed and
sending update notifs again :) )

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