055. you're trespassing

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G O O D G I R L S,
chapter fifty-five

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter fifty-five

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third person.

"thanks for not snitching me in," ollie said to his sister as he stood beside her bed, about to go out to meet up with someone as he been doing more regularly lately.

"it's fine.."

"jonah's a dick.. but luckily you're not at school so unless he keeps talking and digging himself into a hole where it seems as though he took advantage of you, everything should be forgotten about by the time your back next week," he reassured. "you can go back to being the girl no one knows.."

"how do you know what happened..?" penelope mumbled as she stayed laid in her bed, eyes somewhat glued to him.

"i still talk with people from your grade," he shrugged. "one of the boys texted me to let me know the things jonah was spreading about you.."


"one of jonah's friends actually," he slightly chuckled. "daniel. you probably don't know him."

she softly hummed to herself as she thought about who she's met when around him, "no, i don't think i know him.."

"he's the nicest and most mature out of that group, they could take some tips, anyway see you later, i'll be back in like two hours probably."

"okay.." she nodded. "bye.."

with her brother leaving her room out the back sliding door, she turned her attention back to her lap top as she resumed her show. but only about five minutes after she heard the door being opened again, causing her to look over her shoulder.

connecting eyes with jonah for no more than a a second before she looked back at her laptop and continued to watch the screen. refusing to exchange any sort of greeting or pay any attention to him — although her volume was already quiet enough to be able to at least faintly hear him if he were to talk.

".. i see you got new posters," he broke the silence after a few seconds, talking about the ones she would usually take down before he came over as he loosely folding his arms and slowly wandered the room.

penelope still didn't say a word.

"what are you watching today..?"

"you should go, you're trespassing," she muttered, her gaze not moving from her laptop.

"i'm sorry, nel.." he spoke up again, somewhat ignoring her reply. "i really am. i didn't think anyone would say anything and i never heard anything being said till after you told me.. if i knew about it, i would've stopped it before it got to you.."

"i'm still trying to work out who started it," he continued. "all the boys i told swear that they didn't so i need to work out who else was in the room when it was being mentioned. i just couldn't do it this afternoon cause i got into a fight with jack after you left and got sent home for the rest of the day.."

"that's so unfair!" she quickly paused her show as she sat up in frustration. "i spoke to you and ruby and i get suspended for a week while you get into a fight with someone and just get sent home? with no actual consequences?"

"well you did skip class and showed back up drunk.. while i just pushed him around a bit which is nothing we don't already do while playing football," he shrugged.

"why would you even target your friend?" she slightly mumbled as she slowly pulled her airpods out and put them back in the case, giving in to him.

"he's got the bet for me to get you to do all that stuff, and he said on monday that he'll do everything to keep you away from me this week so you don't get drunk and won't have to owe as much so i thought he was spreading it but turns out, he's too scared to lose his spot on the team.."

"i meant what i said earlier," penelope blurted out. "i may have been drunk but i did mean it, i'm done with you.. i am over you, so you should just leave."

"penny please.." he took a seat on the edge of the bed in front of her. "i really didn't mean for everyone to know.. it's honestly make me look bad as well."

"well maybe you should've thought about that before you disrespected me," she loosely folded her arms.

"c'mon i didn't disrespect you," jonah inaudibly scoffed. "i just told my friend what happened. be honest penny, as if you didn't tell your friends.."

"i did. but the difference is, they didn't go and tell everyone-"

"how do you know they weren't the ones who started the rumour?" he raised a brow after unintentionally cutting her off.

"because my friends wouldn't ever do that!" she slightly raised her voice — although still keeping at a level which wouldn't travel out of her bedroom. "the only person they told was marco, and they wouldn't have made it as graphic as you did."

"of course he knows," the boy muttered, rolling his eyes as he looked away from her for a second.

"why are you acting like a dick all of a sudden?" she furrowed. "you came over to apologise to me without my permission, you broke into my room, your friends or whoever you told spread rumours about me, and me being friends with a guy is the problem? who might i add is dating my friend and isn't into girls.."

"oh.. i didn't know that.."

"of course you wouldn't know, because instead of giving people chances and the benefit of the doubt, you go straight to doubting everyone and assuming that they're gonna interfere. no one likes me like that, jonah, i mean you barely do either."

"i like you," he quickly replied, being taking back slightly by that comment.

"if you actually liked me you wouldn't be with ruby at the same time, even if it's 'just for a bet', which one, is childish, and two, i don't even know why i agreed to being a part of anyway. i may be very inexperienced but i do deserve better."

"i'll break up with ruby."

she shook her head, "i already told you, we're done. talking right now doesn't redeem today."


"m-mh," she repeated the action. "you should just go.. please leave.."

"okay, i'll go," he softly nodded as he stood up, walking over to the door as penelope closely watched him. "bye.."


it's still crazy to me how much
i've writing for this book especially
since it's an impulse book (which
haven't gone well in the past. they've
usually taken down lol). i'm started
to plan out everything tho i think
it'll be like 75 maybe idk i have an
idea for the ending but i think i'm
just gonna write and see where it
goes cause tbh this book supposed
to go a whole different direction but
i've really like this instead :))
i'll stop rambling now lol

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