053. i'm done with you

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter fifty-three

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter fifty-three

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third person.

arriving back at school for the lunch block, penelope was highly under the influence from the amount of alcohol she mixed into her drinks while their friend group had skipped class. and despite how much she told them she was fine to go back and pretend to be sober, it was very obvious.

"hey ruby.. can- can we talk?" penelope spoke with slight slurs, while her friends kept close to her to avoid any actions getting too out of hand.

"about what?" she snickered.

"your boyfriend.. who's not really your boyfriend, he's in fact my boyfriend but you also think he's your boyfriend because he's dared by his friends to date the both of us so he can make money," she rambled. "but you gotta understand he was with me first and you're actually the one who's getting played.."

"okay, pen, i think we should go now.." elias attempted to grab the girl's hand.

"no, hold on," ruby stopped them. "do you really think that i'd believe that jonah's dating you? i don't care that you had sex with him in the summer, clearly he's not into your weird fetishes or whatever it is otherwise he would've kept hooking up with you. stop being jealous over my relationship."

"it wasn't in the summer! it was the other night!"

"he was out of town friday after the game and with me saturday so nice try," she flashed her a smile.

"he was actually with me on friday night," penelope corrected. "he brought me gifts, he made me cookies, i stayed the night, and then he took me to work on saturday."

"i don't care," she scoffed. "now hurry along."

"i don't know why you don't want to believe me," she continued to slur. "i'm telling you the truth cause girls need to stick up for each other-"


"okay, okayyy," she held her hands up in defencelessness, walking away from the cafeteria table.

the group of five soon made their way down to the field since penelope was adamant on talking to jonah now — which her friend didn't want to stop her from doing because they all knew with the state she was in that she currently has the confidence she needs to not let him walk all over her.

"hey nel," jonah sent the girl a smile. "and friends," he added while looking to see who was around before he went to lean in for a kiss.

"don't fucking kiss me."

"are you drunk?" he furrowed, then getting a whiff of alcohol from her. "where have you been drinking at this time?"

"don't you think it's kinda low of you to promise me all this stuff and just to break it so easily?" she questioned without replying to him. "cause you're so 'woman positive'-"

"positive he likes woman-"

"shut up!" she cut corbyn off as he did to her. "'woman positive' or whatever it is that you think you are, then you go and easily spread some bullshit about having sex with someone, something that's so intimate between two people."

"i- can we just talk about this later?" jonah asked.

"no!" she raised her voice. "i'm sick of random guys asking me for sex and asking to rape me which is highly disturbing on its own, all because you decided to tell everyone about us having sex after you told me you wouldn't!"

"who's even saying that to you?" he furrowed.


"penny, i don't know how this happened," he attempted to grab her hand which she quickly pulled away from.

"well maybe you shouldn't have gone blabbing to your friends and humiliating me after i confidently chose to be so venerable with you the other night."

"nelly, i'm sorry, it just slipped out-"

"no! stop! stop using 'it just slipped out' as an excuse!" she scoffed. "i'm done with you."


"jonah, did you ever think just maybe i wasn't moaning cause simply i wasn't enjoying it, and that i got zero pleasure from you using me to please yourself and that i didn't feel like faking it to boost your stupid ego?" she rhetorically raised a brow.

"penelope davis to principal sancho's office, penelope davis," was announced over the school's speaker system, causing her to freeze in place as reality set over her.

"pen, come on," aurora stepped forward and grabbed the girls hand.

"no," penelope shook her head, speaking to her friend in a lower tone. "i can't go. i can't get in trouble.."

"you'll be fine, just explain, come on," she repeated. "it's better to listen and go now before they ask you to go again."


"well there's her getting drunk crossed off," zach laughed at the boy who set the bet.

"no!" penelope quickly turned back around after hearing the comment, pulling her hand away from aurora's. "i got myself drunk, thank you. i also never skipped class last week, that was my study period. also jonah lied to you when we stayed out all night.. i stayed out of my house all night but he did go into his place for like ten minutes while i waited in the car, just so know."

"do not give him money," she continued. "if anything i deserve it because i in fact done all your silly little dares myself. also it's my birthday soon so.." she shrugged, "yeah. i gotta go now, but as long as he's not getting it, i don't care."

confident penny>>

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