What talent do you have?

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Author's Note: Thanks so much for 3,000 reads on this! Things have been so stressful lately, but you guys make it all worth it.

Today was a exciting day. Everyone was buzzing about the awesome party being thrown at the castle later that day. Four noticed that things had been quite busy for a while so a little hangout with all his friends would be just what they needed.

Boopkins was so excited about it that he couldn't shut up about it to Bob. "I can't wait to show Miku my fan fiction and ship art." Bob narrowed his eyes. "NO ONE CARES ABOUT THAT."

"Well what else can I do?" Bob shrugged and said "I'M GOING TO SHOW OFF MY EPIC RAP SKILLS! THAT'S TEN TIMES BETTER THAN YOUR STUPID ARTWORK!" Boopkins started to feel nervous. What kind of talent could he show off at the party?

"SO LONG GAY BOOPKINS!" Bob called out as he raced off to get ready.

~Back at the pond~

Boopkins was talking over what he should do with JubJub. "It seems like everyone has something for the party except me." JubJub wasn't listening as he was trying to watch tv. "I mean I am invited so I have to go right?" JubJub looked at him annoyed and said "Shut up! I'm trying to watch tv."With no help from JubJub, Boopkins decided to go ask Meggy for help.

Meggy was busy loading in her splatshot while Boopkins just paced back and forth. What do I do!?" Meggy sighed and said "Just calm down Boopkins. You have plenty of talents." Boopkins inquired "Like what?" Meggy tapped her chin as she let out a long "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Well you have your drawing, stories, singing..." Boopkins started squealing as he grabbed a microphone. "That's right! I could sing with Bob!" Meggy freaked out and tried to quickly change his mind. "Oh no! You don't want to do that!" Boopkins voice was awfully high pitched and it annoyed everyone.

"Awww I'll never find anything. I can't show up to the party without anything to offer." Meggy patted his head. "Of course you can! You know I was the last inkling in my class to join splatfest." That gave Boopkins a idea. "I know! You can coach me through splatfest! My talent could be sports related!" Meggy winced as she though that Boopkins wasn't really made for being an athlete.

Since Meggy didn't think Boopkins was ready for her favorite sport, she gave him some sports equipment. "Alright Boopkins, how about we start with some baseball." She took the ball and he nodded. "Now I'm going to throw this at you and you're going to hit it as far as you can with your bat." Boopkins was looking for the bat, but he couldn't tell which piece of equipment was for this sport. He grabbed something and said "Already Meggy, I'm ready!" Meggy threw the ball and Boopkins hit it, but he had grabbed a tennis racket so it didn't go far.

"Was that good?" Meggy looked at him and gestured. "Boopkins...that's...a tennis racket." Boopkins looked down and said "Oh." Meggy facepalmed herself and replied "Alright. Let's try something else." She gave him a soccer ball and set up a goal. "This is easy. All you have to do is get the soccer ball into the goal." Boopkins nodded his head again, but used his hands to throw it into the goal. "Yipee! I did it." Meggy laughed nervously while giving him a thumbs up.

"Yeah...except you don't use your hands." She tried to think of something easy that Boopkins could do. She directed him to a pool and said "Alright Boopkins. This is the easiest sport I can think of for you."

"Oh this will be easy. I swim all the time!" He jumped in and he was right. He was swimming really good, only the problem was he was swimming very slowly. Meggy sighed and said "Sorry Boopkins, but I don't think that sports are for you."

"But how will I find my talent for the party now?" Meggy tapped her chin and asked "Why not go with JubJub? You guys get along so well together." Boopkins perked up. "That would be nice!" Meggy smiled at him and said "Well you go get him and I'll see you at the party." Boopkins waved and went back to the pond to find JubJub.

When he arrived his excitement faded into shock. JubJub had just broken a world record and everyone was cheering for him while he wore a medal. Boopkins felt sad as even his brother was moving on. He walked off in a glum manner to find a spot to be alone.

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