Kidnapped by King Boo

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Just another day at Melony's apartment. She was doodling a little sketch when someone knocked at the door. "Coming!" She opened the door and began a warm reception before seeing the person on her doorstep "Welcome! How can I help-" She stopped mid sentence to find that Hiedo Kojima was at her door. "Are you the author of this book here?" He held up Melony's manga piece that read: "The Adventures of Mr. Axolotl."

She had published the series in the Books N' Things store and apparently Hideo had gotten his hands on one of the copies. Melony smiled and nodded. "I would love to turn this into a game. Would you be interested in supporting this endeavor?" Melony began screaming of pure excitement and gladly shook hands with her new partner. "Great. I'll just need 100 more copies by tomorrow!"

Wait...WHAT!? Melony looked back to her desk that didn't have nearly enough paper to accomplish this request. "Well I've got to go get my sponsorship from Sony playstation." He jumped through the roof, leaving Melony to figure out what to do.

Boopkins and Melony went up to the store to buy some paper. Apparently Melony and brought along the Inkweaver for safe keeping and a little reminder of her departed boyfriend she had dedicated the series too. Karen was sitting on her phone when Boopkins and Melony dumped several packages of paper on the counter. She looked up, sighed, and began scanning each pack while thinking to herself "Why does life hate me?"

Two boos were secretly watching them and floated away to their master. "We have located the item requested." King Boo laughed and yelled "Then go get it! I want that power!"

The melon girl and small fish had just made it out of the store while striking up some friendly conversation. "That sounds like an amazing opportunity! I'm so happy for you Melony!" Boopkins face then slipped into mild disappointment as even though he was proud of his friend, he wished he could be just as successful. "I wished people would read my fan fiction..." Melony felt bad for him and directed her attention to the Inkweaver. little time wouldn't hurt. She gave in, took out a piece of paper and drew a special doll of Boopkins favorite character.

The doll magically appeared and Boopkins eyes instantly lit up. "OHHHH MY GOD!!" He scooped up the doll and hugged it as Melony giggled. "Thank you Melony!" Unfortunately the two boos that were watching them before had witnessed the whole thing. "So that girl now wields the pen. Let's take her with it so she can reveal the source of its power."

The two friends were about to head back home when some cackling could be heard. They stopped in silence as the laughter continued. "...I don't like this." Boopkins hid behind Melony, trembling as she patted his head. "Don't worry, I'm sure its- AHHHH!!!" The two boos jumped in front of them as Melony and Boopkins clung onto each other.

"Oh hello...I'm Melony and this is my friend Boopkins." The fish flashed out a awkward smile as the boos inched closer. "And may I ask who you are?"

"We are boos." Melony backed up, pen in hand, ready for any sudden wrong moves. Boopkins had let go and was watching them slowly inch further away from him. "Our master has requested this item of great importance that a axolotl had made." Melony's grip tightened on the Inkweaver when she heard their words. "But now it seems you take care of it and know how to use now it appears that we have two things to take."

"Hey! You leave my friend alone!" The ghosts turned as Boopkins grabbed a sheet of paper and just threw it. Since he had very weak throws, it fell to the ground with a squeak as Boopkins and the ghosts sat in awkward silence.

"Anyway...HEY! WHERE DID SHE GO!" The boos had turned around to get back to business, only to discover that Melony was gone and was running away. She was almost in the clear when she looked behind her to see those pesky ghosts bullying her small friend. She stopped and demanded his release, but a bigger boo with a crown on its head loomed over her.

A scream rang out as Boopkins got tossed onto the wall. "What a pathetic fish. Couldn't even save his friend." The boos chuckled as Boopkins watched Melony being dragged against her will through a portal and back to the mansion where King Boo resided over. He tried to stop them, but it was too late as the portal disappeared just when he got there.


With not a second to spare, Boopkins rushed to the Mushroom Kingdom to find someone to help.

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