You Cheater!

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"HELLO EVERYONE! WELCOME TO THE COMPETITION!" Bob was using a stick as a microphone since he couldn't find his while Four looked at him like he was out of his mind. "Who are you talking to Bob?" He pointed over towards the path and said "THEM." They turned to find that Mario, Melony, and Tari had came to watch their friends compete. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" Everyone cheered as the first event was underway.

The objective was to get the fastest time running past and dodging the barrels. This had a twist to it though as iDonkey Kong was throwing the barrels. Meggy was up first as Four laid his finger upon the timer and said "3...2...1...GO!" Meggy took off, jumping over every barrel that came across her path. However she didn't see one of them and skimmed the barrel with her foot when jumping. Despite that she had made it to the top.

"Great Meggy. That was 17 seconds." Three was peaked with interest as he realized he had some stiff competition. "You're kidding! That beats my time from my last splatfest!" Bob cut her celebration short by saying "BUT YOU GOT A 5 SECOND PENALTY FOR TOUCHING THE BARREL."

Meggy, being the good sport she was, tried to stay optimistic. "Still that's 22 seconds. Not bad." Three was trying to hide that he was starting to get nervous. Meggy tried to help by saying "Relax Three. This is all in good fun." He walked up to the starting line and took a deep breath. The countdown began again. "3...2...1...GO!" Three took off faster than Meggy did and managed to make it to the top without touching any barrels.

As he was winding down, Meggy asked "What was the time for that Four?" He looked closely at the timer and replied "18 seconds!" The two stood in shock as Four called out "Smg3 wins the barrel jump!" Tari put a point on the scoreboard for Three as he admired it. "Ha! Looks like I take the early lead." Meggy shot him a look and said "Well don't go getting used to it." She was not going to let Four's ex-rival show her up like that.

Next up was one of those high strikers you find at a carnival. Three hit it up to the bell and gave a smug grin to Meggy. She walked past him and cracked her knuckles, replying "Let me show you how it's really done." She took the mallet and hit it so hard that the bell went shooting up into the sky. Three just stood there with his mouth hanging open. "Years of training." Meggy said as Tari put a point up for her.

The third event was a challenge to see who could fling Bob the furthest. "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!" It was too late as Four shouted "GO!" and Bob was flung right onto the ground. Three didn't spare any expense as he flew Bob off even faster than Meggy. Tari put up another point as Bob fell onto the scoreboard. "OW MY OVARIES."'

The events started to go back and forth as Meggy roped perfectly while Three got himself stuck in a tree. Meggy tripped when she tried keeping the ball up, but Three was able to balance both balls. Three threw his hay bale, but while he was showboating, Meggy threw hers on top of him. They both tussled for a arm wrestle, but Three struck when Meggy's hand wore out. Then she struck back by kicking her ball so far that it put her another point while Tari tried to not get hit by the ball.


"Seriously who are you talking to?" This time Bob pointed to a huge crowd that had came to watch. As the events continued, Meggy and Three were getting tired as they were doing a hundred pushups. Just when it seemed like they were both going to collapse of exhaustion, Three got a scathingly good idea. When Meggy wasn't looking, he used his powers to trip her up, causing her to fall on the ground. "YES!" Meggy got up and muttered "Be a good sport Meggy."

At the next event, Meggy had jumped quite far at the long jump, but when Three jumped and realized he was about to come behind, he used his powers to instantly teleport him in front. Meggy noticed and grimaced at him. Next up was a mud slide where the 2 competitors had to make it down without slipping. Meggy tried her best, but her boots got stuck in the mud. She was trying to pull herself out when she noticed that Three had made a shield for himself as he was walking down.

After many more events where Three cheated, the last one finally came. The flag pull. Once Four called out "GO!" Both of them pulled with all their might. Meggy was starting to come out ahead, but Three saved himself by using his powers to give him extra strength. "That's not fair!" Three tried to act all innocent while saying "What is?"

'You're cheating!" Three knew the last thing he needed to win. He calmly said "If you let go I'll stop." Meggy let go and said "Now do you-" She topped mid sentence as she realized what she'd done. She fell into the ditch and Three started cheering. "HA! I WIN BY A LANDSLIDE!" He turned to Meggy and said "Or a dirt slide in your case."

"I'M THE CHAMPION!" Meggy got out and yelled "Only cause you cheated!" He turned around as she accused him for what he did. "You used your meme powers to win about half of those events."

"Well you never said I couldn't use them." Meggy started getting a really sore attitude. "I didn't think I needed to tell you to play fair!" Three just dismissed it and bragged "I still would have won even without my powers."

Meggy didn't believe him as she then remembered something. "How about you prove it at tomorrow's running of the leaves. I challenge you to race it with me!" Three just scoffed and said, undisturbed "Easy." Meggy stopped him as she said "Hold on! The point is too run so no meme powers allowed."

Three agreed and it seemed the two were now caught in another bet just because one is known is cheat from time to time.

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