Tari's Stare

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Quackingtion tried to return to his beloved owner, but the cockatrice stood in his path. Those fearsome eyes, leaving their glowing impact as the poor duck could not lie a single second off them. By the time he did, he was a stone statue that fell into the ground. The cockatrice then jerked its head towards the three kids. Their eyes widened and immediately ran off, terrified and screaming.

Something tripped them as they looked up to find that Four was still suffering the same fate. That was what happened earlier. That was the stiffness in his body. Tari rushed up to them and said in a panic "Are you okay? We have to-" The shrilled sound of shouting "AHHHHHH!!!" followed and the kids were running around in circles. Tari tried to calm them down, but to no avail. She turned to see that the cockatrice had followed them.


This time they actually listened for once, hiding behind Tari and trembling in fear. Tari quickly shut her eyes, knowing that the stone transformation couldn't work if the gaze to eyes was not met. She timidly slanted one eye open to see the shaking kids. No. That was enough. She had promised to take care of Karen's kids and she was willing to keep it.

"You! Just who do you think you are, turning others to stone like that!" She opened her eyes wide to show her anger and grievance. The cockatrice used this opportunity to strike as Tari's feet were stuck in place and her legs slowly followed. Tari didn't care though as she got more into his face. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" A bit of surprise had took over the cockatrice for a moment before his eyes glowed even more. Now the stone curse had risen to her hips. Suddenly, a new expression could be seen through Tari's eyes that was serious and even scary. The stare was nothing like anything the cockatrice had ever seen before as it now knew the terror that others felt when he did his.

"Now you go over there and turn Quackingtion and my friend, Smg4 back to normal and don't ever let me catch you doing this again!" The kids were astonished as the stone broke and the curse did not effect Tari any longer. She got up to the cockatrice's face and said "You understand." He slowly nodded and ran off as Tari sighed. "Are you all alright? I was so worried."


"Thanks to that stare of yours."

"We promise that we'll listen to you from now on."


Tari smiled as they jumped up to hug her until Tari had a little sense of humor. "Well I hope you do or I'll give you the stare!" They blinked for a few seconds, but laughed as the cockatrice disappeared late into the night. Four, now retaining his normal body, walked up to them with a sense of confusion. "What...what happened?"Quackingtion ran up and jumped into Tari's arms as she was so relieved that everyone was alright. She said "I'll tell you once we get back home."

It was the next morning and the kids were outside, playing tag with each other. Tari had invited Four for a nice chat and a cup of tea at her place since he never made it to Desti's place. She explained to him how the cockatrice had turned him into stone and she was brave enough to scare it off. He was writing this down in his weekly letter. "This is going to be quite the story for Smg1 and Smg2. I was wrong. You really do know how to handle those kids."

Tari blushed of embarssement and said "Oh...I don't know about that." He raised an eyebrow and quipped with inquiry "Really? How so?"

"I assumed I would be good with kids, but I really learned the hard way not to take on more than I can chew." Just as they finished their conversation, Karen had arrived and came out of her car. "Good morning Karen! How was your shift?"

"Same as always..." She mumbled while crossing her arms. "Oh. Thanks for watching my kids." Tari gestured towards the table she set up and asked "Would you like to join us?" Karen shook her head and said "I have to get back home and finish cleaning all those broken plates." Tari gave her a thumbs up until the exhausted cat started yelling. "KIDS! GET YOUR-" Karen kept calling out to her children, but they were too wrapped up in their game to listen.

Karen was about to lose her mind when Tari put a hand on her shoulder and said "Allow me." She cleared her throat and calmly said "Kids." They all immediately stooped and stood in front of her and their mom. "Yes Tari?" Karen was in shock while Tari instructed them "Go and get your things. Your mom will take you home." They all nodded and ran off to get their stuff.

Karen sputtered a little before asking "How did you do that?" Tari looked at Four and they both winked at each other as she shrugged and said "I guess I'm just good with kids." Just then the kids ran past them and jumped into the car, speeding off without their mother. She started running after it and yelling at them as the kids drove down the street. Four got up as he and Tari watched and exchanged laughter with each other.

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