What a crazy night

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Meggy and Melony tried to move the tree together, but it was still too heavy. Four was still scrolling through his phone and being unhelpful. "Well they do have a section on backyard slumber parties. Is that what we're doing? Does this count as camping?" Meggy suddenly got an idea. "Melony your deity powers! You can use those to make shapes out of the branch like earlier!" Melony gasped. "You're right Meggy!" She concentrated hard and in a flash of light, a bunch of cute sculptures made out of leaves and wood, stood on the floor. Meggy tossed the tree stump out of the window and shut it, wiping off any dirt she might have gotten on her hands.

Melony looked down to see herself covered in leaves and mud. The two stood in silence until they both started laughing. "I look like a mess!" Cracking themselves up for a while, Meggy knew what would make Melony feel better. She took some cucumbers and put them on Melony's eyes. "Does that help?" Melony squealed and threw her arms around Meggy, getting some mud on her as well. Meggy really didn't mind though as she hugged back. Four finally looked up from his phone to see the figurines. "Oh wow! Pretty!" He then glued his eyes back to the screen. "These aren't in the website either."

The three friends were sitting in a circle, giggling and playing the game: 20 questions. Melony was in hair curlers again as she and Meggy were down most of their questions already. "Is it bigger than a building?" Four shook his head. "Is it smaller than a melon?"

"Nope. Only 3 questions left." Meggy was trying her best not to give up. "Are we getting warmer?" Four's smile faltered into concern. "Are you too cold? I can turn up the heat." The girls looked at each other with annoyed stares. "She means are we getting closer with our guesses." Four flushed a little embarrassed that he missed that. "Oh. No and that technically counted as a question so only 2 more left."

The girls couldn't possibly think of something so Meggy said the first random thing that popped into her head. "Is it a six-legged creature with polka dot hair and shoots stars out of its eyes?" Melony joined her as she chimed in "Who flies through the air all over the world to hide magic, sparkly, eggs?"

"THAT'S IT!" The girls were in shock. "It is?" Four laughed and pointed at something behind them. "No. It's that." They turned to see a picture frame on the wall that had him and his friends standing outside the castle. The girls laughed at their silly answer and began striking a conversation. Suddenly, Mario burst through the door, wearing some rainbow colored suit and began putting on some cool guy attitude. He spun around and sat in the circle while replying "Heellllooooo- I mean yes gaga yesss!" All of them blinked confused until Meggy struck a smug grin. "Oh Mario you would be perfect with him!" She pointed to Bob, who was also in a rainbow outfit and somehow crashed the sleepover as well.

"Dang it." The boys both left as the room was filled with laughter. "See we could have had fun like this the whole time." Meggy turned to Melony and said "If only somebody hadn't been so fussy." Melony caught the hint and retorted back "Well maybe she wouldn't have if someone else hadn't been so stubborn." They both gave the other cold, angry stares, but then their expressions softened. "Sorry for being such a pain."

"Oh no. I'm sure I was much worse."

"That's kind of you Melony, but I'm the one who's sorry."

"Oh I'm much more sorry than you."

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

Their stern expressions turned into snickering as the two were back on good terms with each other. Four cheered "I declare my first sleepover a success!" They all clapped hands and celebrated. Four could finally check off the most important thing on the list. "Have fun, check!" The girls were playing games with pillows and books they had found lying around the castle. Four was going to join them, but he had a letter to write first.

"Dear SMG1 and SMG2, It's hard to believe that two friends that seem to have so little in common, ever getting along. Iv'e found out that if you embrace each other's differences, you just might discover that you're friends after all."

He put away the pen and said with a swift tone "Soooooo who's up for another sleepover tomorrow?" Melony and Meggy looked at each other for a second and got the same idea. They grabbed some pillows and threw them in Four's face. "How about a week from Thursday?"

"Oh! How about two weeks from Saturday?" The girls laughed as Four continued to persuade them into another slumber party. "A month from now?" The shenanigans ensued all night long till the bright sunlight of morning came and snuffed out the storm.

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