Pranks and Hijinks

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Author's note: Happy Birthday to Me! I'm so glad I get to make one of my favorite season 1 episodes for this occasion. If you know this episode you'll know this will have lots of SMG3 and Mario bonding.

Four was sitting on a bench, looking at memes on his phone. Mario was there too. He was going on and on to Four about his ex-rival, Three. "He's coo coo crazy. SMG3 just goes higher and higher and then he swishes towards the ground and right before he hits the ground he pulls up. Vroom!"

"Uh huh."

Mario's description of Three didn't phase Four at all. That was okay though because Mario already knew how g-... how much they liked each other.
"And then SMG3 looped around like weeeeeeee!" He sat on the ground with his eyes crossed, spinning around.

"Uh huh."

All he could think about was why out of all their friends, was Mario so focused on SMG3. The two people that annoyed him the most (but also the most important to him).

Mario fell on the ground till he looked and saw Three heading back to the internet graveyard. Mario instantly perked up and rushed off to follow him. Four sighed. Finally some peace and quiet.

Three was walking with a relaxed expression till he heard someone call out "SMG3!" He turned and saw Mario walking up behind him. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Mario...not again." He started to jog to leave Mario behind, but Mario quickly noticed and ran after him. "SMG3!"

"Not now Mario!"

He sprinted off to leave Mario in the dust, but once again Mario was still hot on his trail. The two started bickering...mostly Three.

"But SMG3!"

"I'm in the middle of something!"



THUD! He had slammed right into a random mountain and slid down to the ground. Mario looked at him rubbing his head in pain and said "Mario was going to tell you to look out for that mountain!"

He groaned. "Well try harder next time idiot."

A few days later...

Three was enjoying himself in town till he heard someone humming. It was Mario. He growled and ignored him. Mario went up to his brother Luigi, who was about to open his flower shop. "Luigi! Have you seen SMG3!" Oh shoot. Three looked around for a hiding place. He darted behind the fountain while Luigi shook his head. Three nervously looked around while Mario asked countless people if they had seen Three.

Then Mario spotted Four. Three freaked when he saw Mario rush over and ask "SMG4! Have you seen SMG3 anywhere!" Four looked behind Mario and saw Three hiding, giving him a look that said "Don't do it! Don't do it!" Four smirked, pointed towards the fountain, and said "Isn't he right over there?" Three scowled with a look that said "You are so dead!" It as short lived however as he ran off before Mario could pester him. Mario smiled and walked off to join him.

He ran, and ran, and ran all the way to the castle. He hid behind it and peeked out to see if Mario was still following him. Nope. No Mario in sight. He breathed a sigh of relief till he turned around and Mario waved. "Hello!"  Three screamed and bolted off, determined to lose Mario.

He then found a huge tree and climbed up into the branches. He peeked through the leaves, but he wasn't sitting on a branch. "Hello again!" Three stopped in horror and looked down to see he was sitting on Mario's head.

He dropped out of the tree and scampered past every tree, building, everything. Determined to lose that man with the mustache. This time as he saw Mario following the direction that looked like Three was heading, he snuck to a lake. He took long breaths till Mario came out of the water and said "Mario needs a favor." Three was about ready to make a run for it again, but he just stopped. "Ugh. Forget it."

"Mario promises it will be fun!"

"Of course it will." Three facepalmed himself. Now he was going to be stuck with whatever mess Mario put him in.

Mario had Three stand in a random spot. He kept telling Three to move over to different directions and he was just going along with it. "Okey dokey! One more smidgen to the-"


"Perfect! Wait for Mario's signal!" He looked through the window of a building to see Boopkins about to walk through the door. Once he opened the door Mario signaled Three. He used his meme powers to create a shock that scared Boopkins. It startled him so badly that he got the hiccups. Mario started laughing while Three snickered a little. "Good one *hiccup* Mario. You're always pulling a fast one *hiccup* on me."

While Boopkins continued to hiccup Mario and Three laughed while watching him struggle. "Mario hasn't seen anything this funny!" Three then got an idea. He chuckled evilly and used his meme power once again to create a shock. It scared Mario so bad he got the hiccups just like Boopkins. Mario chortled at himself while Three approached him. "I didn't know you were a prankster Mario." Mario cheered "Mario loves pranks! And Mario lo- *hiccup*-ves to have fun!" Why didn't Three know that? Mario has done some episodes where he pulled pranks. Although he wasn't in the first one and was stuck frozen in the second one.

"You know Mario, you're not as annoying as I thought. You want to hang out?" Mario started freaking out and going all over the place. Three watched tirelessly while shaking his head. He stopped Mario and said "A simple nod will do." Mario silently nodded.

Mario and Three had gone to his Starbucks to gather up supplies for pranks. First stop was Melony. They had put some sneezing powder in some flowers and rang the doorbell. Watching from the bushes Three asked while snickering "Is she even home?" Mario snickered back "Mario doesn't know." Three then noticed Melony at the door. "There she is!" They quickly hid in the bushes as Melony took a sniff of the flowers. She then noticed some pink powder in her nose and she began sneezing violently. Suddenly Three and Mario came out of the bushes laughing, with a can of sneezing powder. Three ran away while Mario sneezed so hard he went flying into the other direction.

Next up was Four. He was busy typing something on his computer. He wrote down some ideas with a pen he had on hand. After writing for a few seconds and putting the pen down, the ink slowly faded away. Four was back to typing when he looked back and noticed his notes had vanished. He confusedly looked back and forth between the paper and his computer. Wait a second... Four looked out the window to see Three and Mario with a container of disappearing ink. He rolled his eyes and slammed the window after giving them a death glare.

Meggy went outside to get some training in but when she went outside she gasped. Everything was covered in ink. What was this? A raid? An ambush? No it was Mario and Three snickering with paintbrushes in their hands. Meggy grabbed her splatshot and started firing at them while they ran off. Great. Now she was stuck cleaning up this mess.

Time for the final victim of the day...
Tari was tossing bread crumbs for her ducks at the lake. One duck in particular looked like a decoy. Mario was holding a squeaker while Three was watching Tari through some binoculars. "Is somebody over there? Who are Mario and SMG3 going to squirt?" Three snickered and replied "Tari." Mario spit out the squeaker and went up to Three in a panic. "SMG3 can't hurt Tari! Tari will be so sad!" Three looked with a disappointed but annoyed expression. "Yeah you're right..." He kicked a stone and crossed his arms. " We need a victim who's made of tougher stuff. So who's it gonna be." He said with an evil expression. Mario giggled and said "Mario has someone. Super tough."

"Great. Do I know them?" Mario snickered some more and led Three to the water so he could see his reflection. There he saw a mark around his eye, caused by the binoculars. "Heh. Good one Mario!" He put his hand out for a high five but when Mario tried to return it Three pulled his hand away and smirked. The two laughed into the sunset, awaiting another day of pranks.

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