Success in the dress

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Melony stares in the mirror at herself, thinking of nothing but how much she was a failure to her friends, the citizens, but most importantly, herself. She was thinking of maybe just packing up all her stuff and moving away to pursue a different path when a squeaking noise caught her attention.

She opened the window to find Axol Jr stuck in a tree. "How did you get up there!? Don't worry I'm coming to save you!" She rushes outside to find Three with Axol Jr. "Three? How dare you strand my poor axolotl in a tree!"

"Well how else were we supposed to get you out here. You people seriously need to learn to go out and touch some grass once in a while." Melony turned and saw her friends had presented her with the dress of her dreams.


"Mario and his friends all finished your dress!"

"Thanks to Tari's expert skills on sewing!" Tari blushed a little bit of embarssement and asked Melony "Do you like it?" Melony came up and looked at the dress up and down, in awe. "...No. I don't like it." The others sighed in disappointment until Melony squealed "I LOVE IT!" They all cheered as Melony couldn't shut up about her friends's affectionate display.

"You all did an amazing job! It's exactly how I imagined it." Tari explained that they had followed the sketch that Melony had hung up in her room of what she dreamed of wearing to the gala. "We should have let you do that for our outfits. Those first ones you made were perfect." Four and the other three hung their heads, guiltfully.

"We're so sorry." Mario said as Three slid down the tree with Axol Jr, unharmed. "You made our outfits the way we wanted them and we all saw how that turned out." Melony smiled as she cradled her pet and said "I forgive you."

"Thank you Melony."

One thing settled in that still existed. "What about my career?" The others winced at the situation, but Four pointed and said "Maybe not..." Turns out Jeeves was standing there impatiently. "I don't have all day for this!"

The fashion show had a little change of plans as it was now being held at Melony's with Jeeves being the only viewer. "Take two." This time Melony had a little trick up her sleeves with a completely different experience with effects.

First up was Four with his magnificent suit filled with stars that made him look like he lived in outer space. Jeeves was a little shocked. "This can't be the same designer..."

Next up was Meggy who was sporting a frilly skirt that rippled magnificently and her hair was up in a ponytail. "Simply magnificent!" Jeeves cried out as it might have even encouraged him to try being more athletic himself.

Mario made a goofy face while wearing his bright, red suit. "Brilliant." Jeeves had a fierce craving for spaghetti all of a sudden.

Suddenly a strike of thunder hit the stage as Three smirked with his skull themed attire. Probably thinking he was the most rizzest man in that moment. "Spectacular!"

A wave of layers filled with glitter swept the stage as Tari smiled sweetly. You could say she looked like she was going to marry someone in the ocean. Jeeves clapped furiously as he raved "Now this is a fashion show! These outfits are absolutely amazing! Who is responsible?"

A bright light blinded him for a second as Melony stood in the center with a beautiful pink and green ball gown, decorated with watermelons.

"Bravo! Bravo! Magnificent!" Jeeves cheered as he continued clapping and didn't show signs of stopping. "Oh thank you so much!"

Once the fashion show was over, the others talked about their new outfits while Four was writing his letter.

"Dear Smg1 and Smg2, this week my very talented friend, Melony learned that if you try to please everyone, you can overwhelm yourself so much that you can't please anybody, especially yourself. And I learned this...when someone offers you favor, *looks down at suit* like making you a stunning outfit, you shouldn't be overcritical of something given to you."

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