The Stylish Sea Serpent

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Trudging through the forest the crew were laughing together until they came across a river. They all stopped in their tracks.  There were huge waves being splashed around everywhere. "How do we cross this?" Mario asked. Someone was heard crying in the distance so they decided to go investigate. They crossed over some bushes till there stood the source of the waves.

A large glimmering sea serpent with purple scales and flowing orange hair was smacking the waves complaining "WHAT A WORLD!!! WHAT A WORLD!!!" Four decided to be the first to speak up as he politely asked "Excuse me but uh why are you crying?" The serpent stopped crying as he thought for a second and replied "Well I don't know. I was just sitting here minding my own business when this weird shadow just whooshed past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off! AND NOW I LOOK SIMPLY HORRID!!!" He then went back to crying as he collapsed on the river and splashed all of them with water.

Three rolled his eyes and said "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Meggy was not to fond of the situation either as she raised an eyebrow. "That's what this is all about?" Melony felt pretty bad for this creature as she walked up to him. "Oh just look at him..." She then admired how pretty he was. "You have such shiny scales" she complimented while she petted them. The serpent sniffed a little and replied softly "I know."

Melony continued. "You're hair is so pretty!" The serpent piped up feeling better. "I know! I know!"

"You have such a wonderful manicure!" He gasped and commented "It's soooo true!" Everyone else kind of just groaned (this guy is real full of himself). "But you're mustache..." Melony went over looking at the sad remains of it. The serpent suddenly backed away. "IT'S TRUE I'M HIDEOUS!!!" Melony wanted to help the poor thing so she tried looking around for anything that she could replace that cut off mustache with but nothing seemed to work. Melony then had an idea. She grabbed one of the serpent's scales. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Melony what are you-" Four replied but he didn't have a chance to finish his sentence because Melony had already raised the scale up, grabbed the top of her hair, and...SLICE!!! They all gasped as Melony had cut the top stem-like part of her hair and used it to replace the missing mustache. The serpent looked at it for a second before cheering. "OOHHH! MY MUSTACHE! How wonderful!" Melony smiled warmly. "You look lovely." Four approached Melony looking at her hair. "Melony your hair..." She looked up but it seemed like she didn't mind. "It's okay. My hair will grow back." 

Three whispered to Four "So would the mustache..." Four just gave him a glare and then realized that the water had calmed down and there were no more waves. He pointed to the river and cheered "Guys! We can cross now! Let's go!" he started to cross the river till suddenly something raised Four up out of the water. The sea serpent bowed his head and said "Allow me." He had used his tail to make platforms that his new friends could easily hop on one by one to cross.

They waved goodbye to their new friend and continued on to reach their goal. The castle had to be close now.

That situation seemed rather melodramatic. A problem others say you shouldn't worry about. However Melony loves her friends. New and old. She would sacrifice anything for them...

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