The Return of Zer0?

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Author's Note: I noticed that this chapter had some errors in it so I fixed them and added the new cover! I hope you like it!

Original Chapter- January 1st, 2024

Edited Chapter- February 22nd, 2024

Once upon a time in the digital universe...

There was a legion of meme guardians that ruled over and protected the land.

To do this the guardians used their powers to bring and protect the thriving creatures known as "memes," the things that connected the digital universe and real life. The avatars brought the forms the guardians took and their existence in this world. Thus these beings maintained balance for their home and their friends, all the different types of creatures.

But as time went of the meme guardians became resentful...SMG0...

The guardians were happy and adored by the memes, but a burden for power and the fact that there could be more to this role, engulfed the young guardian's mind.

One fateful day...SMG0 refused to uphold his role any longer. The other guardians tried to reason with him....but the darkness in his bitter heart had transformed him into a wicked demon of darkness...ZER0

He vowed he would turn the land into an eternal state of unhappiness. Reluctantly, the guardians harnessed the most powerful energy known in the universe...THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!

Using the power of the elements of harmony, they defeated Zer0 and banished him permanently in the moon.

The guardians took on responsibility for the protection of all creatures, and harmony has been maintained in the universe ever since.

Present Day:

SMG4 sat under a tree, thinking to himself after reading the story.

"Hmm...elements of harmony." SMG4 wondered. "I know iv'e heard of those before, but where?"

SMG4 decided to head back to Peach's castle to go on his computer to look it up until suddenly, he was approached by Luigi carrying some flowers.

"Hey! There you are SMG4!" Luigi said in a cherful tone. "I'm getting my flowers ready for the celebration. Would you like to come and help me?"

SMG4 really needed to research that story as he felt a bad feeling about it so he politely told Luigi "Oh sorry Luigi, but I have a lot of research I need to catch up on."

He quickly scooted past Luigi and dashed over to the castle to which Luigi looked at him confused. "Okay then? See you later I guess." Luigi said as he waved awkwardly and made his way to his garden.

SMG4 kept running toward the castle. "I know I've heard of the elements of harmony" he said as he made his way to the front door of Peach's castle.

Boopkins was about to head out the door with a present for the party when SMG4 slammed the door right in his face opening it.

"Boopkins? BOOPKINS!?" SMG4 called out till he saw him laying on the floor dizzy. "Oh there you are. I need you to help me find a legend I was reading about." Suddenly SMG4 noticed a present in Boopkins hand's. "What's that for?" Boopkins looked down at the present sadly and said "Well it was a gift for the celebration, but..." The present fell apart in Boopkins hand's as it was smashed by the impact of the door.

"Oh Boopkins you know we don't have time for that!" SMG4 said in an annoyed tone as this was the second time that stupid party was mentioned to him. He made his way to his room. "But we're on a break!" Boopkins said as he followed SMG4 to his room. SMG4 turned on his computer looking through all sorts of websites that might have the answer. "" He was getting more and more frustrated that every website he looked through was leading to a dead end. "BOOPKINS!"

Boopkins waved SMG4's phone while calling out "It's over here." SMG4 quickly got up from his seat at the computer and snatched his phone from Boopkins while looking at the website. "Ah." SMG4 said with relief as he read the title of the website. "Predictions and Prophecies." He scrolled through his phone, reminding himself of his objective. "Elements....elements....e...e...e..." till finally he found the article he was searching for. "Elements of harmony....see man in the moon?"

"Man in the moon? Isn't that just a story about a jewish man who got sent to the moon for some crime?" Boopkins said questionably (nothing against jewish religion). SMG4 still knew there was something to this so he searched through the articles again. " HAH!" He scrolled through the article reading it out loud. "The man in the moon. Myth from olden times. A powerful demon who wanted to rule the universe. Defeated by the elements of harmony and banished to the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aid in his escape and he will bring about eternal darkness." Boopkins got progressively scared hearing this till SMG4 gasped and turned to face Boopkins. "Boopkins do you know what this means?"

"No..." Boopkins said nervously till SMG4 shoved a piece of paper and pencil into his hands. "Take a note please to SMG1 and SMG2." "Oh sure." said Boopkins holding the pencil waiting for what to put. "My dearest guardians, my continuing studies of memes have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!" 

"Hold on." said Boopkins staring confused at the paper. "preci- preci-?" Right Boopkins couldn't spell that well. "Threshold!" said SMG4 quickly correcting himself. "Threeee-" Boopkins couldn't spell that word either. "Uh...brink?" That was the simplest thing he could think of. Boopkins couldn't even spell that word. "Really..." SMG4 thought as he gave up and just said "THAT SOMETHING REALLY BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!" Boopkins quickly wrote down what he said as he continued.

"For you see the mysterious man in the moon is in fact Zer0. He's about to return to our world and bring with his eternal darkness. Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful meme guardian, SMG4" Never an inappropriate time for pride when it came to SMG4. "S-M-G-4...Got It!" Boopkins cheered. "Great send it." SMG4 said. "" Boopkins said a little concerned. "OF COURSE!" he retorted wondering why Boopkins would ask such a stupid question. "I don't know SMG4..." Boopkins said, sounding a little rhetorical. "SMG1 and SMG2 are a little busy getting ready for our summer solstice celebration and it's the day after tomorrow."

"That's just it Boopkins!" SMG4 spoke with concern in his voice opening the window to show the sun in the sky. "The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the summer solstice celebration. It's impathive that they are told right away." Boopkins acted like he didn't hear a word SMG4 said looked down at the paper while trying to write the word. "Impara- Impara-" SMG4 about had it with him. "IMPORTANT!!!" he yelled sending Boopkins flying into the wall with a thud. Boopkins, rubbing his head said "okay okay." and SMG4 used his meme powers to teleport the letter to SMG1 and SMG2. "I'm not sure if this is going to work" Boopkins said as SMG4 looked back with a smug grin on his face. "Oh I'm not worried Boopkins. SMG1 and SMG2 trust me completely. In all the years they've been my mentors, they've never once doubted me."

All of a sudden a letter teleported in front of Boopkins and SMG4 as he looked with a reassured look. "I knew they would want to take immediate action." Boopkins picked up the letter and opened it to read. "Dearest most faithful meme guardian, SMG4. You know that we value your diligence and we trust you completely." SMG4 crossed his arms, holding his head high in a proud manner. "But you simply must stop looking at those made up websites."

SMG4's eyes widened as he gasped on what he just heard.

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