Stubbornness won't get you far

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You could barely see inside the cave with all that black fog covering it. Four snapped out his thoughts of the terrifying environment and turned around. "Three you clear the smoke." Irritated, he replied "Don't tell me what to do! Baka!" Despite that remark he went to go do it anyways. "Melony and Mario, you guys distract the dragon." Mario perked up and got out of his bag some kind of bootleg toy of him. "Nice toy Mario's got here!" Melony and Four blinked at him, confused. Moving on..."Meggy you're ready with your splatshot in case he decides to attack." She pulled out her weapon and splattered some ink on the tree to practice, spinning her weapon and striking a pose.

"But it shouldn't come to that because Tari will do what she needs to do to wake him up. Between the two of us, we should be able to get him to know why he needs to go. Is everybody ready?" They all nod except for Tari as her eyes widened. "Okay then." Four heads into the cave, not realizing how dark it was. He taps his index fingers together while asking Tari "What is the best way to wake a sleeping dragon without upsetting him?" No response came as Tari was not with him. "Tari?" He groaned and went back out to see Tari standing nervously.

Not holding back this time, he tries to push Tari to the cave, but she uses all her strength into digging her feet into the dirt. "Come on Tari! We have to do this now!" Three tries to help Four push, then Melony, Meggy, and Mario. No matter how much they pushed, the blue haired girl was not going anywhere. Tari spoke "I-I-I can't." They all grumbled, giving up in pushing her (like that was doing anything). Three said sarcastically "Oh great. She's scared of caves now too."

"I'm not scared of caves. I'm scared of d..." They couldn't quite hear her as Meggy inched closer. "What's that Tari?" In a quieter tone she murmured "I'm scared of d..." Four tries Meggy's tactic as well. "What?" Tari finally gave up and confessed "I'm scared of dragons!" She then proceeded to burry her face into her knees and shiver.  "But Tari, you have a wonderful gift with your ducks." She looked up and said "Yes, because they aren't dragons." Three rolled his eyes. For crying out loud. "Come on! We've seen you fight all sorts of enemies like it was nothing!"

"Yes, because they weren't dragons." Four tried to reason with her, and investigate a little by saying "If you were so afraid of dragons, why didn't you say something before we came all the way up here?" She whispered with embarrassment "I was afraid to..." Three facepalmed himself once again. Meggy tried to be on the more encouraging side of things. "All of us are scared of that dragon." Three struck back confidently while pointing to himself "I'm not!" She rolled her eyes and said "Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, but we have a job to do. So get in there with Four and show us what you're made of!" Tari stuttered, thinking of her decision. Guiltily, she hung her head and trudged her way off. "I just can't."

With nothing left to do, the others let Tari go and try without her. Four is up first as he encourages himself "He probably just doesn't realize what he's doing." He bumps into something in the dark and looks up to find the very creature he had been looking for. The dragon's eyes shoots open and Four tries to explain that the smoking was quite the hazard for the kingdom. Weird to be talking with a dragon but whatever. The dragon yawns and stretches, but then just lies back down, adding insult to injury by shooting smoke right into Four's face. The smoke comes out the entrance to the tunnel and they all cough as Four comes out. "So much for persuading him." Three tries to say that while trying his best not to choke.

Melony was up next as she convinced them that her sweetness could surely get the dragon to leave. She complimented the dragon on his shiny scales and even tried to convince him that they should ride off on a flight together. It seemed to be working but she was also admiring the lovely jewels that dragon was sleeping with. Once he noticed Melony's interest, he got visibly upset and chased her out.

Mario was apparently up as he was decked out in some kind of ridiculous outfit. "I'm gonna regret this but why is that moron dressed like that." Mario headed into the cave yelling "Very scary dragon is going to love Mario!" About 5 seconds later, Mario appears with his outfit destroyed. "Apparently the scary dragon doesn't like Mario."

"ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!" Three stops his foot hard. He had to deal with too much crap this whole adventure. "We've tried persuasion, charm, whatever that idiot does..." Mario waved stupidly. "We need to stop wasting my valuable time! I'm going in!" He grabs some bombs and runs inside to which Four calls out "THREE NO!" It was too late he throws the bombs and yells "OI! GET OUT!" The explosion did little damage, proving a very bad idea as the dragon was furious. Three backed up nervously. "Hey buddy...let's talk about this..." He roared so loud that Three flew out of the cave and collapsed into the others. The dragon came stomping out and roared them right into a huge rock. They all laid on top of each other, massively dizzy while the rock collapsed with Tari behind it. She took a peek to find her friends badly injured and a fuming dragon.

She couldn't bear to see her friends like that. She cared about them. A seeing anger boiled up inside her as she yells "HOW DARE YOU!" She marched right up to the dragon and proceed to chew him out. "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BIG AND SCARY DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO HURT MY FRIENDS!" She looked him straight in the eye while the rest of them just watched in amazement. The dragon, finally speaking, said "But that purple one tried to kill me." Three nodded proudly as Tari replied "I am very sorry about that but you're bigger than him and you should know better." Back to the main situation at hand. "You should also know when your snoring can be dangerous to us." Surprisingly, the dragon just started crying. Crying and crying for a while till Tari comforted him. "No need to cry. You're not a bad dragon. You just made a bad decision. You just need to find a new place to sleep." She went back down to her friends, who congratulated her. "Great job Meggy! I knew you could do it!" Meggy cheered as she hugged her. They all watched as the dragon flew away and the smoke cleared.

Back at the castle, Bob and Boopkins were chasing ducks all around the main hall. "HOW DOES TARI PUT UP WITH THESE FILTHY THINGS!" Four came inside and asked Boopkins "Can you get some paper and a pen?" Boopkins nods and quickly goes to fetch it.

"Dear SMG1 and SMG2, The dragon has finally left and my good friend Tari was the one who got him to leave. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends as they can be an amazing source of strength and can help you overcome your greatest fears. Your faithful meme guardian, SMG4."

He was just about to send the letter when he hears Meggy yelling outside. "Four! You've got to see this!" He rushes outside to see his friends around Three. "He's just five away from a new record." Just when it seems that way, a roar is heard and Three freaks out. "Dragon!" They all laugh while Three looks around with panic. "That awful dragon is back!" He then sees it was Mario who was making the sounds. "Mario you scared me! I mean broke my concentration." Tari pats him on the shoulder and says "It's okay Three. Not everyone can be as brave as me." He rolls his eyes and watches as a leaf touches Tari's head. She screams and hides to which the laughter is brought up again. 

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