Parties and Booby Traps

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Mario started giggling suspiciously till his mood suddenly changed to a happy one. He was at the  entrance to his house, inviting his friends in with a warm smile. "Welcome!" Mario had thrown a spatular party to welcome Eggman, but what the sinister man did not know was that he was in for quite a rollercoaster. A little ways away from Mario was Meggy and Melony having a conversation. "Who's this Eggman that I'm not familiar with." Melony tapped her chin while replying "I heard that he's an old friend of Three's. A villain, just like him."

Another conversation was happening on the other side of the room, where Four was asking Tari a question. "You've met Eggman? Right? What's he like?" Tari rubbed her shoulder and said "I'll tell you later Four..." She then excused herself to speak to Mario in private. "Um Mario. About this party for Eggman...Do you really think it's a good idea?" Mario comforted Tari and said happily "Don't worry about that meanie Egghead. Your uncle Mario has got it all taken care of!" He then rode off while Tari looked confused.

Just then the man of the hour had arrived. Mario quickly leapt at him and hugged him tightly. "EGGHEAD! Mario is so honored to throw you this fun party and Mario hopes that Egghead feels welcome with Mario's friends!" He reached his hand out, offering the man to shake it. Eggman looked skeptical, but he shook it anyway.


A wave of electricity coursed through his body and he fell on the ground. Mario starts to snicker and shows a small, silver device on his glove. Three approached, laughing as well. "The old hand buzzer Mario! Good one!" Eggman forces a fake laugh to make it seem that there was no hard feelings. "Come on Eggman! I'll introduce you to some of my friends." He walks off and when he was far enough away, Eggman whispers to Mario "I know what you're up to." Mario gives a warm smile and a thumbs up. "Okie Dokie!" Eggman groaned and got closer to Mario's ear. "I know what you're planning." Mario laughs and says "Mario hopes so! This isn't a surprise party!" Eggman makes a facepalm and squints his eyes "Iv'e got my eye on you." Mario plays along and gets right into his face. "And Mario has his eye on you!"

He then went in front of his friends. "Mario would like to introduce Egghead, an old friend of SMG3. Let's honor and welcome him to the Mushroom Kingdom!" Eggman gives a fake smile as he sees all of Mario''s friends cheering. "Please help yourself! Just not Mario's spaghetti." Mario said that last part quietly, but it didn't matter. Eggman grabbed a treat from off the table and put it in his mouth. All of a sudden he felt a burning sensation on his tongue. "HOT!" He ran to find some water. Three pointed a punch stand out and Eggman chugged a glass. He opened his eyes to find the punch was spilling out of the cup and onto the floor. Three laughed as Mario replied "Wowie! Pepper in the tarts and punch in a dribble glass." Three wiped away his tears of joy and managed to squeak out "This is priceless!" Eggman finally gulped down a glass of water and caught his breath. Whoever was held responsible for this was certainly going to get it and he had a pretty good idea on who it was.

Three gestured to a table and shouted "Eggman! They've got presents!" Eggman excitedly rushed over to the table. "I hope it's that nuke I wanted!" He tore the ribbon off and the present exploded in his face. Well that was sorta like a nuke. Everyone was laughing hysterically as Eggman's face was covered in black dust and his mustache had frizzed. Meggy spoke up "Well what do you know. Somebody pulled that prank on me last month." Eggman wiped his face with his sleeve and said "Ha Ha. I bet I know who that was." "You do?" Mario asked innocently while batting his eyelashes. Eggman's patience was wearing thin, but the practical jokes weren't over yet.

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