Cute Glow-up

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The location of the celebration was held at a huge hall in the middle of the Mushroom Kingdom town. SMG4 and Boopkins were starstruck by the magnificent decor that lined each part of the building.

Boopkins looked at the list for the next subject "Decorations. Beautiful." SMG4 looking around smiling and said "Yes the decor is wonderful. I'll be back at the castle in no time. Beautiful indeed." He wondered who was in charge of this task and had done such a magnificent job. SMG4 got his answer when seeing just up ahead that sweet watermelon girl looking through a box of streamers.

Melony was looking through all the colors trying to find the perfect one. This should be no problem at all for SMG4 as he approached Melony who had just found a beautiful red ribbon. Tying it up in a bow on a pillar SMG4 said in a sweet tone "Good afternoon Melony!"

"One second please I'm almost done." Melony replied adding the last minute touches. As soon as Melony spun around to ask "how can I help you SMG-" but once seeing him she screamed in shock "FOOOOUUUURRR!!!" SMG4 was a tad confused on why Melony flipped out. "What?"Melony pointed to his hair and asked "whatever happened to your hair?" SMG4 blinked a few times but after finally understanding his face slipped into a mildly annoyed expression. "It's a long story..." He decided to change the subject.

"Anyway I just wanted to check on how the decorations were coming." Melony looked at him concerned pointing a finger at his hair. "How about I help you with that. Come with me." Before SMG4 could get a word in she started pushing him somewhere. "Wait! Where are we going?"

"To my place of course!" SMG4 knew nothing he could say would change Melony's mind so he just went along with it while Boopkins came along with them.

At Melony's House:

Melony had insisted to give SMG4 a brand new outfit along with a smashing new hairstyle and after SMG4 politely refused multiple times he gave up and said "just make it quick." Knowing he had far more important things to do and was really on a time crunch here. Unfortunately with Melony and her makeovers things were never quick. She showed SMG4 numerous outfits she had made herself and even thought he could wear one at the party. 

First she showed SMG4 a lady liberty costume with straight hair and bangs. He just looked confused and asked "What is this even for?" Melony took a few looks and decided "No. Too green." Then she showed SMG4 a fancy yellow suit with curly hair. "Not really my color." SMG4 replied. After that she showed him a more victorian style outfit with poofy hair. "How am I supposed to see through this hair." SMG4 asked while brushing it out of the way. She tried a more simple picnic styled outfit with some bounce at the end of SMG4's hair but it didn't seem appropriate for this type of event. Next a royal robe with a big wig that looked like George Washington. SMG4 could barley hold it on his head and it was quite itchy. "I would never wear a wig like this in public." Melony tried a track suit but after one good look at it from both of them they shared a glance and could tell they were thinking the exact same thing "Pass."

Melony's eyes suddenly gleamed when she knew just the outfit for SMG4. It was his same signature outfit but she had added some glitter to make it stand out more. She had also replaced the logo on his hat and the buttons on his overalls with beautiful red rubies. Then she had him put on some gloves that were dressed up in so many lovely jewels that Melony had gotten her hands on (where did she even find them?). SMG4 stood in shock at the mirror admiring the outfit while he said happily "I love it Melony."

"Awww thanks!" Melony gushed while Boopkins had came up to have a good look at it as well. "Wow! So pretty! You look great SMG4!" "Well thanks a lot Melony but we have to go." All of a sudden Melony stopped them "Wait! I still need to tighten your outfit." SMG4 looked confused. Melony smiled and said "I thought you might like it if I made the outfit adjustable. How about while I add the last adjustments you tell me why you were checking on decorations."

"Uh okay?" SMG4 turned around to let Melony fix it and said "I was actually here because- HGGGG!" All of a sudden Melony had pulled the tightening straps so hard that SMG4 could barely  breathe. Trying to speak while he could feel it getting tighter he mustered "S-SMG1 a-and S-SMG2 h-h-have s-sent m-me t-too..." but before he could finish the pain was so intense he couldn't muster the energy to talk till he screamed "MELONY STOP THAT'S TOO TIGHT!" Melony immediately stopped sending SMG4 flying right into the wall. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry SMG4. I guess I got carried away." SMG4 stood up rubbing his head. "It's okay Melony but I think that's enough. We should get going." Melony looked down sadly till then she got another idea. "I know you''ll look better with some emeralds." Melony went upstairs to go find some. Once she left SMG4 quickly grabbed Boopkins and said "let's get out of here before she decides to change something else." He knew full well a makeover with Melony felt like it would never end.

But before he left he quickly changed back into his original outfit. He truly did love Melony's appreciation but he couldn't last a minute with that kind of tightness. Even so he still took the gleaming clothing with him.

"I shouldn't let this go to waste."

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