Rescue Mission

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Get there as soon as possible. That's all that matters now. The crew was running back to the same spot where Melony had been taken. Boopkins was breathing way too fast as it creeped the girls out. They moved away from him and Four asked "Can you talk now Boopkins?" He slowly nodded. "Good. Tell us what happened."

Three said "Yeah! Because all you said earlier was..."

A flashback revealed the five of them talking out in the sun when a very worried Boopkins came running up to them like he was having a panic attack or something. "GUYS MELONY BOOS PEN STOLEN SAVE HER!" They all looked at each other, confused as heck.

Apparently, despite the lack of understanding, they still figured it was an emergency and came to help as soon as possible. "We don't have a lot to go off of there." Meggy told him. Boopkins apologized and explained to them "I was just helping Melony when these scary ghosts showed up."

"Scary ghosts? You mean the boos?" Four inquired. "Yes! They said they wanted Axol's pen so they grabbed Melony and disappeared through a portal." Meggy reassured the fish "Don't worry. We'll teach those boos a lesson and save Melony."

"Uh guys..." Tari pointed down to where the portal was, but instead hundreds of portals were stood in the spot. "Uh oh. Mario thinks we'll be here for a while." Meggy asked "Three? Can you make us a new portal?" He furrowed his eyebrows and said "How can I make us a portal when I don't know where the hell those boos took Melony you stupid squid!"

Four sighed and said "We'll just have to try each one. Let's get started." He approached a portal and cautiously stuck his hand through it. Poking his head through it, he couldn't really tell where it led, but then saw some beady eyes staring back at him. Suddenly some kind of force pushed him out. "Huh!?" Three tried going through another one, but he got shoved out by the mysterious force as well. "What the hell!?" Mario, Tari, and Boopkins all tried their luck and got stopped by the same fate.

Four then realized that if this continued with the rest of the portals, they would never make it to Melony. "Quick! We have to get through one before they're all blocked!" Tari tried her best, but each time she just got forced right back out. Mario though it was all fun and games as he jumped into one and it denied him. "Mean portal..." He sat on the ground, crying. Meggy tried to shove her way into one, but it only created a bigger impact on sending her back. She sat up, panting. "We can't force our way through it!"

"TRY BEATING THIS!" Three ran up to the portal and threw a bomb into it. Just like everything else, it got spit out again in the direction of the sender. "Wait! Wait Wait!" The bomb exploded and sent him flying. Meggy thought to herself and then said "Now I'm used to getting bruised every once in a while, but Melony is way too sensitive for that." They started to imagine what Melony must be going through right now.

They pictured her sitting in a prison cell and becoming more terrified with every passing second. She ran all around the cell, looking for way to escape, but it was all dead ends. She slid down into a corner and curled up into a ball, yelling "Someone save me!"

"We have to save her!" Meggy cried. "How? All the portals are blocked." Tari pointed out (as if we didn't know that already). "It doesn't mean we can't break them!" She proved her point by taking out her splatshot and firing at the retaliating portal. The others tried to stop the brut strength that was holding them back until a cackle was heard. Mario turned and saw a boo laughing at him. "MAAAAMMMAAA!" Tari looked behind her and saw two more cackling boos. She screamed and ran away in terror.

Boopkins was running towards a portal when a boo stood in his way and he instantly began running in the other direction. Four and Three were pushing through on opposite sides when they saw two boos in between, laughing at them. They both tried to catch them, but the ghosts disappeared and the boys smacked right into each other. Recovering, Three looked down to see a dizzy Four in his lap and his face turned red like a tomato. "Oi! Get off me idiot!" He pushed the man off him and wiped his clothes in disgust.

Meggy saw a boo and stooped what she was doing to try and kick it's butt. Wasn't doing good that the ghost kept disappearing and reappearing every time she struck, taunting her. This sequence carried on for a while where they kept scaring, disappearing, and laughing to the point that the others were getting exhausted. Tari felt awful for Melony as she said "All those scary boos popping out of nowhere. Melony must be terrified."

They envisioned another possible situation where the boos kept pestering her to the point of her passing out from utter shock. "Now what are we going to do?" Boopkins looked around and spotted an open portal that the boos had missed. He remembered the Miku plushie that Melony had made for him and got an idea. "I'll save you Melony!" The others watched, perplexed as Boopkins grabbed some string, tied it around the doll, and thew it into the portal. They all huddled behind a bush and waited for the boos to take the bait.

Boopkins couldn't stop thinking about saving his friend and being the hero for once. His kind and noble heart finally being rewarded. His thoughts were snapped out of when he felt a tug on the string. The strength of the pull was more than he bargained for as he slowly got dragged over to the portal. "Boopkins!" Meggy grabbed him and tried to pull him out of there, but got dragged herself. "Meggy!" Four soon grabbed onto her and joining the trail of being led to the portal. "Four!" Three grabbed and pulled with as much strength. Turns out these boos were stronger than everyone thought. "Oh my goodness!" Tari grabbed hold of Three and Mario joined in as well except he wasn't even trying. "Weeee!"

They soon got pulled all the way in through a series of hallways and plopped right into the middle of a giant mansion. "We did it!" Boopkins cheered. " problem..." Four said as he got up, rubbing his head. "Which way do we go?" Everywhere you looked there was a series of doors and stairs that went on forever. Boopkins freaked out and yelled in a echoing scream.


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