Be wise with your ticket

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It was a beautiful day as Meggy and Four were walking carrying a bunch of exercise equipment, all packed in boxes to Meggy's house. "Thank you for helping me out with this Four. I bet Mario I could get all my equipment set up at home before this afternoon." She chuckled as she explained the best part. "If I win he's going to exercise for a whole week!" Four smiled and said "No problem at all Meggy. I'm glad the goal is this afternoon. I am getting a bit hungry."


Oh yeah. Bob was there too but he wasn't doing anything to help. "Oh please Bob. You have just been following us around all morning while we worked." Bob looked annoyed while he complained "BRO IV'E GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN HAULING THIS GARBAGE!!!" Four's stomach growled. He was getting hungrier every passing second. He made a note to get something to eat after he helped Meggy. 

Just when they were passing the castle Bob noticed something in the mailbox. He ran over knocking Four over. "BOB!!!" Bob pulled out a letter and looked it over. "DANG IT THIS IS ALL JUNK." He tossed the letter on the ground. Meggy eyed it suspiciously and said "What does it say?" Bob said "SOME DUMB LETTER FOR SMG4." He decided to pick it back up and open it. "SMG1 AND SMG2 HAVE SOME STUPID BALL GOING ON AND YADA YADA YADA-"

"Bob read it properly!" Meggy crossed her arms. "FINNEEE. THEY'RE INVITING SMG4 AND ONE GUEST." Meggy and Four blinked a few times trying to make out what the letter said from Bob's description. It suddenly hit them as they turned to each other and shouted excitedly "The Grand Gatsby Gala!"

Background information: In this universe The Great Gatsby Gala was an event that was held each year in the Toytoy kingdom where citizens from all over would gather for an evening of fun and high society. It became one of the most popular celebrations to this day.

Meggy and Four jumped up and down while Bob just stood there. "SOMEONE PLEASE KILL ME." The letter contained two tickets inside. "Wow great! Iv'e never been to the gala. Have you Bob?" Bob just shoved the tickets into Four's hands. "NO AND I'M KEEPING IT THAT WAY. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT STUPID FANCY STUFF." Four just shook his head. "Your loss. A dance sounds nice to me." Meggy got right into Four's face, startling him. "It's more than just nice! I would love to go." Meggy started imagining a wonderful scenario in her head. 

"If I had a homemade cooking stand set up people would be coming from all over just to try it. With all that money I would earn I could use it to improve our home and maybe even get some new splatfest equipment."

Four laughed nervously while replying "That's great Meggy. Heh." Of course everyone but Meggy knew she was a horrible cook but Four couldn't crush her dreams like that. Then he got an idea. "Hey! Would you like to-" Before Four could finish his sentence somebody had came and crashed right into them. A familiar voice piped up "Are you guys talking about The Grand Gatsby Gala!?" Who other than Three. Meggy got up dusting herself off and said "Three! You said you were too busy to help me with my equipment! What were you busy doing? Spying?"

Three rolled his eyes and said "No. I was busy taking Eggdog for a walk." Next to him was Eggdog happily barking on a leash. He then turned his attention to Four. "I just happened to hear that you have an extra ticket." Four rubbed his head and said "Yeah but..." Three interrupted him yelling "YES! This is great!" What did Three want with the gala? He didn't seem to be interested in the fancy types. 

"All the greatest youtubers gather there every year." Three imagined a scenario himself as he explained "Everyone would be watching. Their eyes revieted but then in comes SMG3!!! I would draw their attention with my moves to which they would be incorporate and welcome me as their newest member." He giggled like a fan girl and said "Don't you see Four! This could be my one chance to show them my stuff!" He went right into Four's face and yelled "YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME!!!"

"HOLD ON A MINUTE!!!" said Meggy coming up behind him. "I asked for that ticket first." Three approached her kind of insulted and retorted back "So. That doesn't mean you own it!" Meggy swept up in the argument said "Oh Yeah! Well I challenge you to arm wrestle! Winner gets the ticket!" "You're on squid!" Meggy and Three immensely and firmly grabbed each other's hands fighting with all their strength. 

Four pushed them aside and said "Guys! These are my tickets! I'll decide who gets it thank you very much!" Meggy and Three still were looking at each other with glares. "I think whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket. Don't you guys think so." They stayed silent for a few seconds till Meggy got in front of Three and said "Business for our home!" Three got in front of Meggy and gave his reason. "A chance to collaborate with famous youtubers!"

"Money for my favorite splatfest weapons!"

"Living my dream!"

Four was a little overwhelmed. "Oh boy. Those are all really good reasons." Four tried to make a decision till suddenly he remembered he was still hungry. Thinking up a quick excuse he said "Well I think me and Bob will go take our break and go get something to eat." Bob perked up. "I DON'T WANT TO EAT WITH YOUR DUMB-" Four quickly shut him up by covering his mouth and said "I'll think about it during lunch and get back to you two. Okay?" Meggy and Three sighed and said "Okay." Four took Bob and scooted past them to get something to eat. Mostly he just wanted to get a breather. 

After Four was long gone Meggy and Three shared a glance at each other and then immediately went back to arm wrestling.

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