A New Beginning

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Author's Note: It's finally done! I look forward to all the new adventures this series has to offer and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

A echoing silence fills the castle as the crew lay unconscious on the ground. One by one they start to wake up. Three groans and rubs his head. "Ugh. My head." Meggy who slowly gets up asks "Is everyone okay?" Tari gets up and says with a thumbs up "I'm okay Meggy. Are you?" Meggy gives a patient smile while blushing a little bit and says "Yeah I'm fine Tari. Thanks!" 

Melony then cries out "My hair!" The top of her hair had grown back to that stem that always poked out of her hood. Tari looks at her for a second admiring the necklace she was wearing. "Why Melony it's so lovely." Melony cheered as she said "I know! I'll never part with it again!" Tari  looked confused for a second until she corrected Melony. "No Melony your necklace." She points to it. "It looks like a watermelon." Melony looked down to see it and squealed before looking at Tari's. "Yours looks like a duck." Tari looked down and thought she was going to die of cuteness.

Meggy giggled upon seeing Tari's reaction and looked down to see a splatoon squid on her necklace. Mario ran up to Meggy pointing at his necklace while screaming "MEGGY LOOK! MARIO HAS SPAGHETTI ON HIS NECKLACE!!!" Three admired and showed off his necklace. "Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" His necklace had a skull that looked almost similar to the one on his hat. Four watched his friends raving about their necklaces. He then noticed he didn't have one. Instead he had a crown that showed off his signature S logo. Meggy looked at Four and said "Wow Four. I thought you were getting ahead of yourself there but it looks like we really do represent the elements of friendship."

Sunlight started pouring in through the window and a voice said "Indeed you do." A ball of light came through the window and there standing right in front of them was SMG1 and SMG2. Four gasped and look relieved to see that One and Two were okay. He quickly approached them crying "SMG1! SMG2!" He went over and hugged them as they did the same back. "SMG4. Our fellow meme guardian." Letting go, Two told him "We knew you could do it." Four looked confused for a second. "You told me it was all just an old story."

"We told you to collaborate with your friends. Nothing more. We saw the signs of Zer0's return and knew that it was you that had the power inside you to defeat him but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." Four looked over at his friends and smiled at them. One and Two made their way past them while replying "Now if only another would as well." Behind the melted remains of Zer0 was a person with blue skin, a red bandana, and a red and white hat with the number 0 written on it....SMG0.

His eye shot open as he looked cowardly at One and Two towering over him with stern expressions. "It has been a thousand years since we have seen you like this." One knelt down to meet Zero. "Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together SMG0." The crew gasped as they all said in shock "SMG0!?" "Will you accept our friendship?" One and Two held their hands out to see if Zero would comply. They all watched anxiously to see what Zero would do. Mario had leaned over too far and fell on the ground. Zero got up and bolted towards One and Two hugging them crying. "I'M SO SORRY!!!" The guardians smiled and embraced each other as Zero continued. "I've missed you guys so much!" One and Two started to cry a little as well as they replied "We've missed you too."

The heartwarming moment was ruined when Mario started crying loudly and everyone looked at him with perplexed expressions. Mario suddenly stopped crying and said "Hey you know what this calls for?"

"Another one of your brilliant parties?" Four asked in a sarcastic tone.

Back at the Mushroom Kingdom...

Decorations surrounded the castle and confetti filled the air as Mario replied "SPAGHETTI!!!" He dove into a plate of spaghetti that was sitting at the Buffett table while everyone had gathered to watch a spectacular parade. A beautiful carriage-like float appeared where One, Two, and Zero were all there waving. Boopkins ran up to hug Four relieved that him and all his friends were safe. One and Two enjoyed the celebration while Zero looked guilty on what he had done. Luigi had popped out of nowhere and gave Zero a beautiful floral wreath decorated with roses. Zero looked shocked but smiled at One and Two for his freedom from the darkness.

While everyone was enjoying themselves Four looked down. He had done it. His adventure was complete. He should be happy...but why wasn't he? He spent all his time researching memes and working on his training with One, Two, and obviously Three but what about his friends.

One and Two approached him asking "Why so glum SMG4? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your research?" Four looked sadly at his friends. He could tell by the expressions on their faces that they were having the same thoughts as him. "That's just it. Just when I've learned how wonderful my friends are I have to leave them..." One and Two shared a glance before saying "You know there's a lot for a meme guardian to learn than just about memes." Four perked up. "Four. We assign you a new path of training that you'll take on to becoming a complete meme guardian. You must continue to study the power of friendship and report to us your findings from your home with your friends!" Mario ran up and squeezed Four while the others congratulated him. "Thank You SMG1 and SMG2! I won't let you down!"

Everyone cheered and celebrated as this was just the beginning for them. A brand new adventure awaited them. A brand new adventure awaited them...

Back at the ruins of the castle, the melted parts had disappeared. A figure crept through the dark, watching from a window in the tower. It spoke "Enjoy this while it lasts..." Out of the darkness stood Niles who replied "Because the real nightmare is coming." He chuckles evilly awaiting his next move.

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