What happened to you?

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Mario and his friends had all put together a celebration for Meggy. There were balloons, streamers, cake...

Poor Luigi had the job of keeping Mario away from the cake so he wouldn't greedily eat the whole thing. Melony was tying a ribbon while Four came up with Boopkins. "Are we all ready?"

"Just one last thing." Melony took a giant banner and hung it over the stage. She stood back with the others, admiring the work. "Now we're ready."

"Is Meggy all set?" Four gestured. Three approached them saying "I haven't seen that weird squid all week." Mario joined them. "Not since the stampede. Oooooo very scary."

"Think we should go find her?" Boopkins asked. "Nope." Three huffed and walked away.

Everyone had gathered at the stage for the celebration. Four had over prepared with a whole script for his speech.

"Welcome everyone! Today we are here to honor a friend we can count on in matters great and small. A friend who's contributions to-"

Four's sweet and overly flourished speech was suddenly interrupted when Three pushed him out of the way instantly and knocked the papers out of Four's hands. "Did you see those moves! Pretty decent if you ask me. That's why I invited her to help me with a new trick for my upcoming stream. SO EVERYONE TUNE IN!" Four pushed him back furiously. "Thank you!"

"And-" Mario popped into existence. "This week Mario gets to run Peppino's pizza shop for the first time!" Four looked at him questionably. "What does that have to do with Meggy?" Mario blinked a few times before it settled into his brain "Oh. Meggy, who is one of the best chefs ever is going to help Mario. Meggy makes everything yummy so free samples for everyone!" Everyone in the audience cheered. "Yeah right..." Four mumbled. He slid Mario out of the way as Mario hummed happily to his seat. "Now if I could just make a point without being inter-"


Four's eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms "-RUPTED!" Tari politely slid next to him and said "I'm so sorry Four but I just wanted to say that Meggy is also helping me this week with my official duck census. We'll count all the new baby ducks that were born this season. She's going to help me gather them with her amazing skills!" Tari was in her little world while blushing timidly. 

Four snapped her out of it when he surveyed the crowd and said rather sarcastically while raising an eyebrow "Anyone else?" Tari slowly backed away.


Everyone just looked at him rather blankly while staying completely quiet.


Four still eyed them with suspicion while taking out his papers again. "Now as I was trying to say.."

He then directed his eyes to an orator who was waiting for him to move. Four threw his papers angrily and yelled "NEVER MIND!!!" He then headed back to his seat and observed the ceremony like the rest of them. The orator cleared his throat and said "And so with no further ado it is the privilege that we give the prized award to our beloved friend of honor, utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity, Meggy!"

The curtain opened as everyone cheered until they realized Meggy wasn't standing behind those drapes. Boopkins was still cheering as he didn't see yet. "You were great Meggy! Way to go!" He opened his eyes and stoped talking. A wave of awkwardness swept the crowd.

"I'm here!" The crowd turned to see someone walking slowly toward the stage. It was Meggy but something was off about her. She had grey bags under her eyes, her hair was getting frizzy, and she wasn't as perky as she normally was. She yawned and mustered up the energy to walk all the way up there with her friend's eyes glued directly on her. "Thank you kindly for this...award...thingy..." She went to get a good look at it while rambling on. "It's so bright and shiny and-" She looked at her reflection and giggled kind of weirdly. 

Everyone became more confused when Meggy just played with her reflection while making sort of a police siren kind of sound. Mario got up and joined in, copying her. Four was still processing this. "Uh okay?...well thank you Meggy for saving us from that stampede." Meggy yawned again. "Yeah...I like helping my friends...*yawn*...and stuff." She then dozed off while standing for a few seconds till she awoke suddenly. "Oh yeah! Thanks!" She grabbed the trophy and slowly pulled it back home. They all watched while hearing the trophy skid on the ground. 

Four was skeptical. "Did Meggy seem a little..."




They all looked puzzled at Melony. "Didn't you see her hair."

"Meggy seemed fine to Mario!" He reassured them while running off making that police siren sound again.

Four knew something wasn't quite right.

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