77. morion

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"-and that's about all we know for now," Levi and I finished catching Farlan and Isabel up to speed.

that's understandably a lot to process

we left Levi's home, caught up with the knights, learned that i died, went into the magical forest, got chased around the magical forest, met a 100+ year old woman in the magical forest, kissed, swapped back into our real bodies, fought, learned that my dad died, officially started our relationship


i'm not super sure about the last one

i mean- we confessed to each other but

what actually are we

and what will we be to each other after all this is done?

"You're really back?" Isabel leaned towards Levi, poking his arm.


once again i am sidelined


we need to unite together against levi

not whatever this is

"Yes," he nudged her hand away, "we need to focus on figuring out which shit in this city did this to us in the first place."


and he doesn't even appreciate the love that other ppl have for him

hes such a loser

you like it

i like it

"Rude," Isabel frowned, "we're going to do that- I was just excited- I mean- you're really back!"


"Sorry," Levi muttered quietly.


"You mentioned meeting up with Lady Reiss?" Farlan turned to me.

oh yes

"They're probably worried about me," I nodded, "and none of us know what's been happening in the capital since we left."

so historia is a good place to go

"I'll arrange for a carriage to take you tomorrow."

"Levi-" I turned to look at him, "you don't have to come with me- in fact you should probably take the time to catch up with Isabel and Farlan."

also in light of recent events

i think its going to be really awkward if levi, ymir, and historia are in the same room

like i feel like levi might get slapped or something

idk why

just a hunch

"Are you sure?" Farlan looked at me warily as Levi watched on in silence.

oh come on-

"Yeah," I looked over at Levi, grinning, "you're tired of me aren't you?"

"How did you know?" He shot back, the smile on his face betraying his true thoughts, "if you need me I have no issue going with you."

what a tease

"I'm sure you're dying to spend an entire day being glowered at by Historia and Ymir, but I'll release you."

plus this definitely earns me brownie points with isabel

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