74. cerussite

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It seemed that as soon as we arrived we were leaving once again.

there will never be enough time to grieve

i have to keep going

we have to keep going

"Are you sure about this?" Mikasa and I stood to the side, watching as the carriages were loaded for our trip.

"It's the only thing I can do," I laughed dryly, "it makes the decision much easier."

ill be back before you know it

"I'll take care of the marquisate."

thank you

"Of course you will," I turned to squeeze her hand, "you're the only one who could."

you've been doing it for longer than i have

"What was she like?" She asked hesitantly, "the witch."

"Hanji? She was kind."

"I thought so," Mikasa murmured quietly to herself, "until you decide what you want to do with it, we will protect the forest."


"What do you mean by that?"

"Mikasa!" Sasha shouted over, "they're done loading- come check."


"Good luck, Y/N," she nodded at me before running off to join the rest of the knights.

can people just be upfront with me-

"You look strange," Levi came up from behind me.

"Oh my god-" I startled, turning to face him, "I should put a bell on you."

"I'm not a cat."

"Well I know that," I scoffed, "you're far too ugly."

no one could compare to mr. squid

"Farlan has agreed to meet us in the capital."


ignoring me


"When did you stop being fun?"


"Unless-" I cupped his face with my hands, "Levi are you having self confidence issues? I know you're probably feeling intimidated by me but-"

he really had it easy being in my body

im gorgeous

i was the one stuck in that five foot three prison

"You're insane."

"There you are," I released his face, "that's how you're supposed to react."

i like that you're nice now but-

it would be uncomfortable if we couldn't act like this

ridiculous banter is necessary

"You're ridiculous."

"Isn't that one of my better traits?"

"You could say that."

"You must be itching to get back," I followed his gaze to where it stayed fixed on the carriage.

there's a lot waiting for us

"Not particularly."


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