52. copper

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"How-" Sasha gave us a once over, grinning unconsciously, "how did it go?"


"Don't pry."

"Oh don't be shy Levi," I grinned, relishing in his embarrassment, "it was alright- a little disappoint-"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Alright," I sighed, winking at the guards.

"Where to next?" Connie led the way back to the training grounds.


"I'm not sure," I shrugged, glancing over at Levi. "What do you want to do?"

"Shouldn't you be asking-?" He paused, leaving the rest of the question unsaid.

oh right

"While we were in there looking at portraits I remembered something," I began, looking over at the knights to gauge their reaction. "Do you remember when I got lost in the woods?"

"That was a while ago," Jean spoke up after a brief pause. "Why?"


"I had forgotten about it- the details are fuzzy- was wondering if any of you knew something about it?"

"What's there to know?" Sasha muttered, "you got lost- we all thought you were dead until the Marquess found you- it was a stressful couple days."

"They canceled training," Connie spoke up, "us kids were just supposed to wait around."


"Do you remember what I looked like when they found me?"

"You'll have to ask someone else," Armin glanced at the other three, "maybe Mikasa- I think she was there."


"Is there something you aren't telling me?" I frowned over at them, catching the split second of panic that flashed through each of them. "-like how much you missed me?"

"Why would we tell you that?" Jean shot back- relief evident in his expression.


"I'll tell Mikasa that you want to talk," Armin smiled at me, glancing at the rest of them.

shady and weird

"No need," I glanced at Levi, "it's probably better that I don't remember."

im worried she might do something-

"Told you, you were lying about that woman," Levi kept his gaze on the faces around us as he spoke, searching for any sign of recognition.

"What woman?" Sasha quickly cut in, "you were found by your father."

"I know-" I forced a smile, "funny how your brain plays tricks on you."

"Maybe you could ask him if you're really curious," she continued eagerly.

i wonder how much they know

clearly more than they're letting on

it's weird- what would they know that i wouldn't?

they were young at the time

does everyone know something i don't?

"I'm a little tired- Levi and I will go to my quarters- the four of you can do whatever you want."

somehow im even more confused than before

"More?" Sasha gasped.

"No-" I whirled around, "-and don't tell anyone else what happened- it's embarrassing."




"Don't worry," Armin assured me, turning to guide the rest of the group away.


Levi and I walked back to my room in complete silence, the conversation we had just had with the knights repeating in my head.

that's so unlike them

i should've asked earlier

there's something no one is saying

something they're hiding

what could possibly be worth it?

"That was fucking weird," Levi broke the silence the moment the door clicked shut behind us.

"Right?" I agreed, "they've never been like that before- then again I've never asked them about that-"

i thought they would be just as in the dark as i am

"Do they know that they're shitty liars?"

"I don't think so-" I paused, "I think they were caught off guard, that isn't something I've talked about for years."

which is even weirder

"Any ideas?"

"About what they're hiding? Beats me- it isn't the usual reaction that's for sure."

my father would scold me

so would my teachers

i guess i never really had a conversation about it with them- it was always less exciting than whatever game we were playing

"Fucking weird."

"The way they were acting it seemed like they had talked about it- a lot."

i don't know what to make of that

"They weren't willing to tell you anything."

"That's the weird part- those four are usually ready to talk about anything- and none of them are against breaking the rules," I thought back to all the times I had aided Sasha in raiding the kitchens.

it's out of character

"Did someone tell them not to talk about it?"

"Maybe- it felt like something else was going on though," my frown deepened, "they kept on looking at each other like they were sharing a secret. I know that look- it's the same way we would all look at each other when one of the adults was trying to figure out who did something and we wanted to hide that Eren did it."

it never worked

i wonder why they thought it would this time

it's an obvious tell

"Are you sure they weren't receiving orders?"

"I just don't think it ads up- I mean who would they be receiving orders from?"

there isn't anyone- aside from me i guess

"Then what?"

"They must know something we don't- and they must think that it's in my best interest to keep it a secret." I concluded.

it was weird but it wasn't malicious- at least i hope not

"Let's hope so."

"Surely one of them will let something slip if we interrogate them for long enough."

"You know who."



"Why is it always him?"

"I wish it wasn't."


im so excited for you guys to see the next chapter!

- ami

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