10. sandstone

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"What do you think Farlan?" The two of us were leaning over a large catalog full of illustrations of various dresses and fabrics.


"Something like this maybe?" Farlan pointed to a long green flowy gown.


"And then maybe something like this for variety?" I gestured to a more form-fitting deep red and gold dress.

i think i can rock both fairytale princess and villainess

in fact

i can and i should

"You two are enjoying this way too much," Levi grumbled, watching the two of us from the other couch.


"We're doing it for you, stop complaining," I muttered my response.

"It's true, if you continue showing up in the same dresses to every party Y/N has to attend you will ruin her reputation," Farlan chimed in, eyes still glued to the catalogs.

in another life farlan and i are best friends

"Farlan, I'm never forgetting you."


"Hey, he's mine," Levi frowned.

ok possessive much ??

"Farlan has the ability to make decisions for himself, if he wants to quit his job with you and work for the L/N family we would gladly accept him."


"Y/N I'm not leaving Levi."

ok whatever you're codependent or something idk

"The option is always there," I sighed wistfully, "if you'd let me know how much you're getting paid perhaps I could persuade you."

i rlly will do anything

"Stop luring my staff."

ok fine .

"Oh! You know what's crazy-" I cut myself off.

it's probably a good idea to keep quiet about the fact that i've been sneaking around the house

"What?" Levi's scowl deepened.

well the crazy thing is tht a maid has a crush on you and i was totally a bad person and used that to get some snacks but i can't tell you that so-

"This dress I just found-"

ERHM ...

"You have one dress left, what were you thinking?" Farlan asked, leaning over to look at the page I was on.

im serious farlan we could be besties 4 the resties

"This one," I flipped through the book, settling on a purple dress with black lace details. "I've been looking at this for months but I couldn't justify the cost <3"

until now <333

"What are you-" Levi began to protest.

"I, Lord Ackerman, have decided to pamper my beloved Y/N with whatever she desires!" I raised my voice so that the staff waiting just outside the room could hear it. "Alas, my beloved is refusing to accept everything I have offered so I am compromising and giving her just three dresses."

although i deserve much more

"I am not your beloved."

"Of course not but soon-"

"Ok! Both of you cut it out-" Farlan stepped in between the two of us for the nth time. "Y/N let's go place an order, Levi I hope you have a good day."


it was just getting fun

im really enjoying being able to fluster levi for the first time ever

"You're an asshole," Levi groaned, flipping me off.

"As if you're any better."

"I'm leaving you two to go settle the bill," Farlan gave up, leaving the room.


"You could at least try to be a little more convincing," Levi cut through the icy silence.


"I'm trying my hardest, I just don't see the point in pretending when no one is around."

besides- the plan was for me to pretend like i was suddenly infatuated

"Clearly you aren't as competent as I thought you were," he sneered, turning away from me.

fuck you

"Do you really think that I care if you think that I'm competent? There has never been a single moment in my life where I cared about your opinion of me."

you're nothing but a nuisance

"Are you sure about that Y/N?"


"I don't know why you think that I should respect you but you've never done anything for me."

he's persistent that's it

"As the next heir to the L/N family, I thought that your resistance was just because of family duty but now I understand that it was never like that. You're just a child digging your heels in because you can."

what do you know of my family duty?

"Don't pretend that you understand my family duty."

and for the record, that isn't why i hate you

you've never been considerate to the people around you

you've only ever seen me as a way to further your own status

"I have a pretty good idea of it."

as if

"The few days you've experienced in my body tell you nothing," I scowled. "It's not like you've experienced anything comparable."

my life in your body has been peaceful at the very least

"What do you know about my responsibilities? Having tea parties in the garden certainly isn't one of them."

this conversation isn't going anywhere

"We aren't going to be able to talk to each other until you understand that I'm not just deadweight or an obstacle to building your own power," my grip on the teacup I was holding tightened. "I'm done here."

"Give me one example of a time you've proven that to me?" Levi fired back.

shut the fuck up

"I hate you Levi Ackerman, that is never going to change."


i call this segment levi and y/n teasing each other and then not knowing how to handle it and rapidly escalating to a point that they will both regret later

in general! when i write arguments like these it's a bit of a struggle to balance the fact that the story is written through y/n's pov and the fact that levi (sometimes) has valid reasons to be upset with y/n. in the same way that y/n's misconceptions about levi heavily dictate the way she acts around him he suffers from a similar total lack of understanding! just wanted to clarify tht (he's still very much an asshole) from his perspective she's just as awful as he is.

if only they would talk about it

- ami

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