53. quartz

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"Armin said you wanted me?" Eren stood in the doorway, shooting an annoyed look at Levi who was hovering behind me.

something like that-

"Sit down-" I motioned for a chair, as Levi moved to shut the door.

"Jeez- you two seem paranoid."

uh about that

"Eren, we're close right?" I leaned forward, beaming.

"You're freaking me out-"

"Just answer the question," Levi cut in.

thanks boo



"Ok-" Eren frowned, "I mean yeah- we are- I guess."

"You guess? I thought that our years of friendship meant more to you-"

"Ok fine- we are- chill out."

"Ok then- as a friend- answer me honestly-"


"You are seriously no help," I shook my head in exasperation, "I won't get mad, no matter your answer."


"I won't let her get mad," Levi chimed in.

"Yeah-" Eren frowned over at him, "no offense but you're usually the reason she's mad- you aren't helping."

"Just agree," I groaned, throwing my head back.


"Ok- I promise I won't be mad-"

"Not helping."

"Fine," I sighed, "are you guys hiding something from me?"

a pause

"What do you mean?"

i think the silence said it all

"I was asking the group about that time when I got lost- do you remember it? They seemed weird about it."

"Why are you asking me this?" He seemed uncharacteristically unphased, "your father found you- end of story."

i mean i guess-

"Are you sure you aren't hiding something? Their responses really bothered me- I promise I wouldn't be upset- I just want to know."

"What's there to hide?" Eren shrugged, "it isn't like I was there. Maybe they were just acting like that because they were worried about you- I mean that wasn't fun for any of us."


"Alright- if that's all then I guess it's fine," I glanced over at Levi who seemed to be working through something.

he is in a perpetual state of constipation

it's seriously going to fuck up my face

we should talk about it

"Is that all?"

"Yeah- hey don't tell anyone about this- I don't want to freak them out."

"Sure," Eren glanced at Levi, rolling his eyes, "I have guard duty- I'll see you later."

"Stop right there," Levi spoke up, focusing his gaze on Eren. "You're lying."

"What? Y/N he's so weird why do you keep him around-"

entangle (levi x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें