61. garnet

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Somehow I woke up before Levi, my back aching from the hard ground.

this is the first and last time this happens

The forest had returned to normal, aside from the early morning fog that seemed to cling from the ground.

it's pretty in its own way

I sat up, debating whether or not to wake up sleeping beauty when a loud purring noise startled me out of my thoughts.

oh my god

"Who are you?" I cooed, crouching to get a better look at the small black cat that was approaching the two of us, it meowed loudly in response.

i'm in love

"Shh-" I put a finger to my lips, "don't wake up the beast- he might eat you."

"Who the fuck are you talking to?" The cat startled a bit at the sound of Levi's voice, hovering just out of reach.

speak of the devil

"Don't worry- I'll protect you," I glared back at a barely conscious Levi, "come here kitty."

"You do horrible things in my body," Levi grumbled, sitting up.

you're horrible

"I'm just being nice, sue me for being out of character," I continued to beckon for the cat, which began to slowly move forward. "It's adorable."

"It has a collar," Levi pointed out, gesturing to the bright red ribbon on its neck.

you're right-

"We're awfully deep in the woods for a housecat to have wandered in," I muttered, the cat finally getting close enough for me to pet it.

so cute

"Exactly," Levi nodded. "There must be something nearby."

you're right-


that's less important-

"What's your name?" I muttered, reaching for the tag on the collar, "Mr. Squid?"

"That is a dumb ass name."

"There isn't even a place to get squid anywhere near here," I chuckled, "you must have an eccentric owner." The cat ignored the two of us, choosing to nuzzle into my side instead.

im in love with you mr. squid

"Do you think his owner is-" Levi trailed off watching as Mr. Squid abandoned his place at my side and began walking over to him.

"Wow- that traitorous little devil."

who in their right mind would pick levi over ME

"Face it Y/N, I'm better than you."

"Watch it- you're in my body."

"You're just jealous."

"The minute we're back in our bodies we're figuring out who he likes more," I shook my head at Mr. Squid who was comfortably sitting in Levi's lap.

this is horrible

i need to update the tags of this story...


"Speaking of our bodies," Levi began stroking Mr. Squid, who purred loudly in response. "There's only one person who would have a cat this deep in the woods."

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