11. feldspar

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"Y/- Levi-" Farlan raced after me.

and i can't even look angry at levi in public because it'll look like i did something wrong

i don't want to deal with that mess when i get back to my body

i hate him

"Let the clerk know that I've been called away on other business and to send the bill to the Ackerman estate," I muttered dismissively, walking as fast as I could towards the carriage.

im done here

"Wait in the carriage," Farlan called after me, a concerned look in his eyes.

don't worry i won't run away

i can't

even if i wanted to

I stepped into the carriage, drawing the blinds shut.

every time i think i could come around on levi ackerman he does something that ruins my perception of him even further

how am i supposed to cooperate with him to get my body back-

when he acts like that

it's a small consolation but

im sure i piss him off just as much as he pisses me off

"Y/N? Are you in there?" Farlan's quiet voice asked from outside.


"Come in," I leaned over, opening the door for him.

let's leave this place

"I'm sorry about what he said," Farlan frowned uncomfortably, the air in the carriage felt tense and quiet despite the sound of people moving about their day outside.

im sure you are

"Take me to Historia Reiss," I muttered, leaning back and closing my eyes. "I need to talk to her."

i apologize farlan but right now-

i'm having a very hard time being nice

so i've chosen to shut up

"Alright," the carriage lurched to a start, racing through the crowded streets.

you know what-

after all that

i never got to see those dresses on my body

what the fuck was it even for

i hate him

if you keep on saying that it'll lose meaning

i'm not sure there's anything that i can say

"Levi wanted me to tell you tha-"

"I don't want to hear it," I paused, opening one eye slightly to look at Farlan. "I'm not mad at you but-"

well maybe i should keep it to myself

"I understand," Farlan frowned, staring at his hands like he had something more to say before sighing quietly to himself and turning his gaze toward the ceiling.

you know what's crazy-

even if levi ackerman is secretly a saint

i think i'll still hate him

for all the shit he's put me through

and that's ignoring the fact that he pushed me into a pond and killed me

farlan doesn't know anything about that does he?

if i told him would it change anything?

or would he let levi know that i know

and then what would happen to me

i don't think it would accomplish anything productive

i should focus on trying to get farlan out of the room so i can talk to historia and ymir alone

that's all i can really do right now

ill think about the rest later

"We're here," Farlan cleared his throat slightly.

one problem y/n-

you look like levi

it won't be as easy as getting an audience with yourself

"Go and tell them that I need to see them," I frowned, pulling the letter out of my pocket. "Have them take this, it should be enough."

i've written enough in there for them to be sure it's me

and then hopefully historia will be ok with talking

i mean you probably have to worry about ymir more

"Alright, wait just a moment," Farlan left the carriage. I flipped open the curtains watching as he walked towards the doors of the Reiss manor to make sure he didn't take a peek at the letter.

i can't trust you just yet

The minutes that it took for Farlan to come back ticked by slowly, nothing about the Reiss manor seemed different from the night I had come here to ride with Historia and Ymir to the party but everything had changed.

if i had known i just wouldn't have gone

The door swung open, and Farlan heaved a sigh before looking up towards the carriage where I sat.

oh that doesn't look good

"They want to meet with you but I'm pretty sure that they think you're not-"

that's alright

"Take me anyway."

"This way," Farlan opened the door to the carriage, leading me towards the manor doors.

im sure that ymir is worried and-

the real challenge will be proving my identity if the details in the letter didn't work

what more do they need

"Lord Ackerman, right this way," Ymir stood in front of the door, glaring down at the two of us. "Farlan or whatever the fuck your name is, you can stay right out here."

well that makes things easier

"Just go along with it," I turned to Farlan, shooting him a small smile before following after Ymir's receding figure.

even when they don't know if it's really me they're helping me

"Don't try anything," Ymir glared, stopping in front of a door I knew led to a sitting room.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Ymir."

"Sure thing," she muttered gruffly, opening the door for me before stepping through and locking it behind her.

"Ah you're here," Historia looked up from her cup of tea.

"I'm here," I replied, shifting uncomfortably on my feet.

"I'll get straight to the point, Levi Ackerman, what are you doing to Y/N?"


to answer all of your prying questions about how they go to the bathroom/if they've seen each other's nether regions: yes, we WILL get into it shortly.

- ami

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