6. beryl

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"Well, I'm not going to let you walk away from this unscathed."


"Levi you do need to work on your wording," Farlan appeared to have relaxed, possibly the only person in this room who had completely adjusted to our current situation.

levi might be the most rattled-

im finding it hard to watch myself talk but

im way more concerned about what happened before we switched bodies

"I'm not going to let you ruin my reputation for nothing, the deal I've been trying to talk to you about-"


"As I've told you countless times in the past, I'm not the person you should be asking."

until i'm appointed as the head of the household you'll have to talk to my father

only levi knows that they won't accept his deal

so- was his plan to make my household indebted to his by creating an opportunity to rescue me?

"We both know that I've attempted that," Levi scowled in my direction.

you certainly have

"Well, now that you're in my body," I paused mulling over it. "Let's just say that whatever letters you send to them will get read."

since i won't be able to shred them

"I didn't mean letters, I meant I would use this opportunity to speak to your parents."

in my body-

"You do realize that as soon as I get my body back I'm going to be able to reverse anything you've done?"

it's a stupid plan

not to mention-

who said that i would act like you in your body? if you're trying to convince them to sign off on a deal with your house i would end up being involved

"As if you could do that, from what I've observed that won't be easy for you either," Levi frowned.

he isn't wrong-

"Is that all you want?"

that's a lot for-

"Is there anything else you would like to add?"


"I'd like my body back," I pointed at him, "I'm surprised that you would be considerate of my opinion."

there's nothing that levi could give me

nothing that i feel comfortable asking about

i doubt he'll make much progress with my parents anyway

"Unlike you I give a shit about the people I work with," Levi fired back.


"Listen up a-"

"Excuse me!" Farlan cut in, clearing his throat loudly, "that should be enough, I'll draft an official contract for the two of you when I return to the Ackerman estate."


"Oh Farlan!" I could only imagine the way Levi's body looked saying this. "I've fallen oh so deeply in love with Lady Y/N that I can't imagine leaving her alone for a second! Alas I have things to attend to! Would you mind staying with her to soothe my worried heart?" I clasped his hands in mine, looking earnestly up at him.

i can't believe im in the body of a man and he's short

"Absolutely not," Levi pulled me away from Farlan.

it was worth a try

"Farlan make sure she doesn't do anything idiotic," he paused. "Stop using my body like that."


"Like what?" I grabbed his/my hands.

"Like that."


"I'm sorry, I appear to be a visual learner- do you think you could show me?"


"Leave," Levi pointed to the door.

oh well

"It really is a wonder how beautiful my body is, I truly never understood the extent of it until now," I sighed dreamily. "Really I think I understand why you were so persistent for all that time, you just like being rejected."

and i can't even blame you, i look hot as hell turning people down <3


"T-that's enough!" Farlan came between us for the nth time, "really we should get going, it was nice to see you La- I mean Levi- let's go now Lady Y/N."

no need for the title i plan to convince you to join me at some point anyway

"See you then Levi," I bowed slightly as I left the room, Farlan following close on my heels.

he's definitely fuming in there

i almost wish i could stick around to see it

i've never been able to get him to react like that in the past

"Did you find it entertaining?" Farlan asked me, watching as I got comfortable in the carriage for the ride back to the Ackerman estate.

harassing levi?



"You sound like you already know the answer to that. Did you find it entertaining?"

truthfully i don't really care if you view me as the villain

it's better for me in this position to act untouchable and difficult

i still don't know anyone's intentions

"A-" Farlan seemed to be thinking about this quite seriously. "I won't lie, it was a little funny."


"And you have to admit my body is incredibly attractive when turning something down, it's seriously worth considering whether or not your employer is into rejection."

these are things you should know BEFORE getting hired but it's fine to start now

"I've never thought about it before but you're right-"

"EXACTLY! I'm glad we can agree on this at least."


"I apologize for lying to you earlier, I hope that you'll understand why I was doing it," I glanced over at him.

i'd like to be friendly with him

"I understand, no need to apologize," conversation between us petered out for the rest of the carriage ride.

remember y/n- he isn't your friend


he's here to watch me 


feels super exciting to be starting regular updates for this <3 hope you're doing well


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