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Bouncing my chin up and down happily, I grin at Cara. "Exactly! Keep going, don't stop!"

Cara was better than I thought she'd be, better than Elliot and Matteo had made her sound. She was the most compassionate, loving woman I've ever met, and so motherly. Maybe that's why she was better at this than me, she felt a real, deep, bond with every single rogue. From when she laid eyes on someone you could see a part of her bonding with them in a way. She connected with everyone she laid eyes on and she was eager to learn. I guess that's why she's able to help me. Ronan had tried and failed, but he was great at protecting us, even if we didn't need it.

The brown wolf shook its fur out, and Cara drops to her knees hooking her arms around their neck. Whispering kind words, soothing their pain, I clench my fists as excitement courses through me. The second she jumps up I can't help but cheer. "Yes! Cara, you're amazing!"

Clearing his throat, Ronan pushes past me. "I'll handle this part."

Nodding, taking a step back, I move into the aisle and grab the keys out of my pocket. "Want to race? See who can do it faster?" I gaze at the woman.

Smiling politely, Cara slips out of the cell and laces her fingers with mine. "You're a genius, Devina. How did you come up with this?"

Shrugging, I tug her towards the next set of cell doors. "At first it was for Lily. I struggled with the others for a while until I figured it out. They need someone to connect with them. Their pain, their blood, someone to make them feel something more than grief. Rage works, but it's dangerous. I find hope to be the easiest. Offering a bond gives them hope, tying myself to them until they're able to fight to accept. It usually takes a little longer, I don't know why it's quicker with you."

"Maybe it has to do with you being Luna. They know they won't have to submit to me, I've never held a title." She offers, while I unlock the cell door. "I could ask Deidre to help, she might do well. If it's to do with pack rank she should be able to help just as much as I am."

"Good idea." I grin, opening the door for her and going to the next one. "I don't want to bring it up at dinner, but if you ask her later she could help tomorrow."

"Once you two are done with those two that's enough for today." Ronan grumbles under his breath, barely audible.

"Ally's terribly jealous I've gotten you all to myself." Cara chuckles.

Smirking, I lean down and extend a claw. "I, Luna Devina, offer you a place in my pack." I slice my palm open, blood pooling, and wipe my hand from their forehead down their snout. "Fight your wolf and find safety on my land." I sigh, sitting on my behind and reaching into my back pocket.

Taking out the small white vial I pinch their jowl and pour the liquid down their throat, tossing the plastic aside. Staring at the black wolf, I scoot closer. My fingers dragging down their fur, I watch as they twitch. Tugging their head into my lap, I whisper praises and promises. "You can do it. You're strong. You're safe. I'll keep you safe."

No longer sleeping, Claire's magic not enough to keep them knocked out after the potion, they toss and turn. Gut wrenching cries coming out of the wolf I tighten my hold and try my best to smooth them. "Fight it, come back."

After a while, I'm not sure how long, they lay limp and the crying stops. Sighing, I adjust them back onto the floor and stand up. Ronan holding onto the bars of the door, a towel underneath his hand, he juts his chin at me.

Offering the rogue one last look, I pray to the Moon Goddess to help them through the pain. Tearing myself away, the click of the lock going back into place makes me flinch. I hated leaving them like that, locked up, struggling to fight their rogue side alone. I wish I could stay the whole time, but it wasn't fair to the rest of them. Looking up and down the aisle I nod to myself, mentally patting myself on the back. After a good night's rest, and Cara, we'd managed to work through a whole row. It was happening, we were really helping them. All of them.

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