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How soon is it too soon to leave a party? Can I even ditch a ball I'm co-hosting? I know my brother wouldn't mind, but I can't leave him here alone. I was already late arriving.

Sipping my water, I watch as women gather in small groups gossiping. Fingers pointing, hushed tones. Goddess, I can't help but chuckle to myself. They're not very subtle.

And the men around them are eating it up. Their egos inflated with every batted lash and rosy cheek.

Sighing, I lean on my armrest and glance over at my brother. The stoic, hardened mask in place, he stares down at the crowd. Everyone in the room would miss it when they looked at him, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. He's upset. I'm upset. Our parents left us, and now we're ruling over a pack alone during what could be considered a war. A war against what? I didn't know. All of these people finding their mates would leave with a soul mate and feel carefree. We would remain alone in soul and our battles.

And now was definitely not the time for us to find our mates. It would only put them in harms way. Our enemies would use them against us, and right now, we can't have any more weaknesses than we already do.

Women, children, Warrior's, they all count on us. And we made an oath to protect them above all else.

Kicking the point of my shoe at his heel, Gabe leans his head back, glancing over at me. Exhaustion flickering in his eyes. "Time to start the dance. I've got Katherine, you get Katelyn, make sure you ask if her wolf is feeling anything."

Nodding, I push back my chair and stand. Putting my seat back in place as my brother groans under his breath. "At least we don't have to pick a random female this year."

Chuckling, I rub my brothers back as we walk around the table. Gabe gestured with two fingers to an omega, the purple clad male swerved through the crowd quickly to the band. "Next year, we could always ask a couple of dudes. Make it clear that we don't discriminate."

"The lgbtq members of our pack have never worried about that." He frowns.

"It would make it clear to outsiders, though. With the added benefit of us not having to politely dance with rank chasers." I shrug, the people separating so my brother and I can walk toward the band.

Shaking his head like he disagrees, I grin once I catch sight of him biting down on his lips to stop himself from smiling. "Can't argue with that." He links me, winking before lifting his head to make eye contact with others as we step past them.

Passing our cousins, I nudge my head towards the band and hold out my hand. Katelyn moving to my side, taking my hand. Katherine sinks in place beside my brother. Obviously, Gabe told them how this would go beforehand.

With my best smile in place, I fake it almost as well as my brother. When we step onto the platform, the band music stops, and our guests go quiet.

"And now we will lead the dance. If you and your dance partner are interrupted, find another one. We hope to see you all on the dancefloor. Again, when you find your mate, please go to the assigned rooms. These rules are enforced in order to avoid any unnecessary drama. Let's work together to make sure this night goes on without a hitch." Gabriel spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Drama.. hilarious. Way to downplay utter chaos." I link my brother.

Meeting my eyes, Gabriel scowls at me. His hand lifting, Kathrine slips hers in his. Not bothering to respond, he helps her off the stage and leads her to the middle of the dance floor.

Jumping off the stage, I grab onto my cousins waist and lift her down, a muffled squeal passing her lips, the loudest noise I've ever heard come out of her mouth. Helping her readjust her dress, I force her eyes on mine. "Calm down. Let loose." I whisper.

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