Chapter Twenty One

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I'm trying to ignore this deep-seated need I feel for them, but their mear presence makes it impossible. Minsi acting like a sex crazed fool, fogging every other thought in my head other than them. She's impossibly stubborn. Gabriel's staring at me during dinner had me squirming in my seat, my wolf basking in the warmth of his gaze. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop myself from stealing to frequent peaks at Baldric. He hadn't even looked at me once, but seeing a playful side to him during dinner with Hailey had lit a flame inside of me that hasn't dimmed since.

Baldric was so serious, so controlled that it was hard to remind myself he'd been so relaxed when we talked down in their dungeons while I was locked up. Was his behavior now because he could smell me? He didn't know he was my mate that night we spent talking until dawn. My smell had been masked with Claire's potion, and if I had to guess, I'm assuming his wolf didn't tell him when he saw me. Was he different now because he didn't want me? Did finding out change his thoughts about me? He'd called me a rogue lover and had seemed tolerable about it. Now, he doesn't even seem to be tolerating my presence.

Baldric finished his plate, mumbled a thanks, and rushed out of the room so fast I didn't even see the direction he'd taken. Then Gabriel pushed his plate forward and leaned back in his chair and kept staring at me until I'd finished force feeding Cassie vegetables and picking at my own plate until I couldn't eat anymore. Hailey, Penelope, and Claire had already finished eating, and they sat patiently as I tried my best to avoid dinner ending.

Hailey and Penelope grinned at each other and shared knowing looks, my cheeks threatened to redden. They must know. They had to. The second those two Alphas walked into the room, my heartbeat quickened, and I could feel the air thicken in my lungs. Claire seemed oblivious, but I doubt she'd be in the dark for long. These girls didn't seem to keep much a secret from each other. I didn't know them long, and I still felt bad not telling them. I couldn't, though, not yet, maybe not ever. I had other things that I needed to focus on. If Baldric wanted to ignore me, that was fine with me, even if Minsi loathed the lack of attention he was giving us. Gabriel's starring, I could ignore. I had things to do, important things, and so did they. I couldn't get caught up in a mate bond right now. I had to get Lily back and take care of Cassie while her brother was healing. A mate bond can wait.

Will they wait, though?

"I'm tired." Cassie yawns, tugging at my shirt, pulling me from thoughts of dinner back to the present.

Patting the top of her hair, I run my fingers through the length of her locs.  Looking around our room while I scooch to the edge of the couch cushion, I sigh. "Okay, hop in bed, and I'll turn off the lights."

Her little feet slap the hardwood floors until she leaps into the bed and tears the perfectly made bed apart as she gets comfortable. Cassie nuzzled herself into the middle of the large bed while I walked around turning off the ceiling light, then every lamp in the room. Leaving one on beside the bed, I sit down beside her and pick up the tablet on the bedside table.

"I'm going to go see my friend. If you need anything, press this, and it will call Penelope." Holding out the tablet, I point the the phone button on Penelope's contact screen, and when Cassie nods, I put the tablet down and pull the blankets up over her shoulder. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Night night." She mumbles, rolling over.

A small smile tugs at my lips, and I sigh, climbing off the bed. "Goodnight."

Tip toeing across the room, I head for the door. Opening it and closing it as quietly as possible, I glance both ways down the wall. Kelly leaving Paul's room beside ours, I smile. "How's he doing?"

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